egg yolk peritonitis?

My easter egger suffers from this. Last time I was able to get it to clear up with D-10. This year she laid a bit and then it came back, but it must not be to horrible of a case. I did get a rooster and he started doing his thing and she got better. She still doesn't give me many eggs and she should be a heavy egg layer. I just watch her and hope it doesn't start causing issues again.
Thank you for the information!!! My girl is suffering the same, and I think this is the problem. Where can I get this stuff?

We just bought a packet of it from a local farm-supply store yesterday for about $7. Places like Coastal should carry it.

We got it to treat one of our Red Stars, a former factory-farm bird, who we thought had a bound egg until I realized what I felt when palpating her abdomen wasn't an egg but a hardening sac from the increasing fluid accumulation. She had all the other typical symptoms of EYP, too: wide stance, waddling, droopy tail, frequent sitting, visible straining, and watery droppings.

The directions say to dissolve it in the chickens' drinking water, but she was acting fairly lethargic and I wasn't sure she would actually drink anything. I also wanted to get it in her system as soon as possible, so, based on the advice of some posts to dissolve a tablespoon per gallon of water and a statistic I found saying that chickens drink about a half-liter of water each day, I figured that the approximate daily dose would be about a third of a teaspoon. I dissolved that in a couple milliliters of water – I had to stir it for several minutes before it completely dissolved – and dripped it into her beak a little bit at a time with a 3 mL needleless syringe. Just a couple hours later, her tail was less droopy and she was more active.

This morning, her tail is almost as high as usual and she is very actively eating, drinking, and socializing. Her stance is more natural and her abdomen seems softer, though still much fuller than usual. We gave her another dose this morning and are hoping for the best, though I know we're not out of the woods yet. If she continues to improve, I think we'll continue to medicate her for about a week.

We've lost a couple birds to EYP in the past and seeing that Duramycin might be the solution has me jittery with excitement. Many thanks to those who suggested it!

unicornia: If you find some and administer it to your hen, I'd love to know what your outcome is. Good luck!
I just lost my beautiful "Amelia" Barred Rock to this it was despairing for me to watch her suffer. No one knew anything about it, had a necropsy done and found out it was egg peritonitis. I want to thank you for sharing this info on Duramycin-10 I will write this down and keep in case I need it again. I hope I don't but thank you for sharing this,

Laurie Allen
Westwind Farm
Is this condition contagious? I have 6 hens that are 1 - 2 years old. Out of those 6 I am only getting 3 - 4 eggs sometimes less. I have been racking my brain trying to see what's wrong and then I noticed this condition in my hen (see pics above) last night. I waited and waited to get a lavender orp and got her from My Pet Chicken.

Just not sure what to do? She is eating and acting fine, I have only noticed her belly last night, there has been a drop in egg production but I wasn't sure who was or who wasn't laying? I have started separating them to see who's still laying. If she's not in pain and it isn't contagious I don't want to get rid of her?
kithomm 66 I feel your concern I lost a bird to it last year and recently had another but fended it off with Duramycin-10. Egg Peritonitis is not contagious but your chicken will be lethargic, not laying, not eating or drinking much. She will have a very warm/hot swollen abdomen and it will feel squishy and you can do whatever you want with her; lie her down on her side etc. The quickest you can get some Duramycin in her the better!! My second bird was only on it a day before I noticed an improvement and by day 3 she was good to go. I still kept her segregated though for 10 days and did not eat her eggs. I hope this helps because I know the despair not being able to find an answer while your bird is suffering. she is better now and back to herself:) Good Luck with yours!!
kithomm 66 I feel your concern I lost a bird to it last year and recently had another but fended it off with Duramycin-10. Egg Peritonitis is not contagious but your chicken will be lethargic, not laying, not eating or drinking much. She will have a very warm/hot swollen abdomen and it will feel squishy and you can do whatever you want with her; lie her down on her side etc. The quickest you can get some Duramycin in her the better!! My second bird was only on it a day before I noticed an improvement and by day 3 she was good to go. I still kept her segregated though for 10 days and did not eat her eggs. I hope this helps because I know the despair not being able to find an answer while your bird is suffering. she is better now and back to herself:) Good Luck with yours!!
Where do I find Duramycin-10?

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