Egg Yolk Perotonitis


5 Years
Mar 22, 2014
I am pretty sure my year and a half old Rhode Island Red Hen has Egg Yolk Peritonitis. At first I thought she was Egg Bound, but I checked her for that and there was not an egg. She has yellow and white foamy droppings. She just stands in one place and is not really social with the other hens like she usually is. Her eyes close while she is standing and at night she sleeps in the nesting box instead of roosting. I gave her a bath to clean her bottom off and brought her in the house since it is so hot out. I've read that someone has had success with Duramycin-10 so I've ordered some since I can't find any. It will take a few days before it gets here. I also read that a natural remedy of oregano and cinnamon boiled in water worked so I thought I would try that until the Duramycin-10 gets here.

I was just curious if anyone else has had success with this. I love my chickens like I love my dogs and I am really struggling with the thought of having to put her down. She's a real sweet hen and I love her to pieces. Her name it Thelma. Her buddy Louise will be sad to lose her too.

We don't really have a lot of vets who know what to do with chicken or I would take her there.

Thanks for any input.

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