egg yolks


Flock Mistress
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
Sep 6, 2007
Corydon, Indiana
my yolks seem kinda pale, sorta like the ones in the store. MY chickens get layer and daily treat of yogurt applesauce and oatmeal. They free range but have food available. What's the problem?
In the winter our yolk change for the paler, but change back to orange in the spring. It usually takes a few weeks for it to kick in.
I also feed my girls scraps from my vegies, Except potato peels. They love lettuce. Almost anything I pull up from my garden they will eat. I do keep them out of my garden or they will devastate it. They have very deep yellow yokes. They are not to fond of the mustard green but will eventually eat them. Also, I throw in some alfalfa. Once in awhile I will give the some left over spaghetti/macaroni. It is very funny to watch them eat it. I do not give them anything that I wouldn't eat... They get oats and scratch and sunflower seeds every day... And I heard that goats eat everything.

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