Eggcited to be here. New Chick Momma

Momma Kat

May 5, 2019

My husband, Our kids and I recently purchased our first ever chickens. We bought 12. Unfortunately 1 didn’t make it. (RIP Baby) I never knew I could fall so much in love with them. I want to give them best life I possibly can.
We have an assortment of breeds. I can’t recall all the breeds. I don’t care so much about that. I love each one we have. The ones I remember are Polish and Turkens. They are all so cute. If We could have more we would.
We will be raising them as pets. At the same time we will also be stealing their eggs for consumption. Sounds kinda mean. Lol I wish I knew how to actually train them.
I’m looking so forward to this new adventure life has taken me. My husband and I along with our 14 yo daughter and 12 yo son will be building a coop for them together. We are planning on making runner that is attached as well.
What I love most is how much enjoyment I get from them by something as simple as just watching them. I’m learning so much about them and look forward to continuing to learn more. I feel this place can really help me.
They all have names we individually picked out. 3- black chicks our son picked and named are Donut, Fluffy and Nugget. The 2 Polish chicks picked out by our daughter are named Stella and Hei Hei (Hey Hey)she also named the light tan one, Omelet. My husband picked out the black chicks with yellow, Speckles and Baby along with the beautiful dark brown one (with the most adorable face) Hawk Eye. I named the Naked Necks/Turkens, Ponyo and Ostriegé and the yellow/white one is named Dumplin’.

I’m glad and proud to be a Pinterest addict. If not I wouldn’t have found BYC. I’m happy to be here with this group and look forward to everyones comments, shared stories and advice.



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Welcome! Those are some really beautiful chicks. I've always thought Turkens were goofy-looking, but that Turken chick is cool, almost makes me want one, lol. :D
Thank you They most definitely are odd looking. They adapt well to cold and heat. I read that they actually flightless. My two little ones full of personality. They are loving and extremely entertaining.
:weeWelcome from New Orleans. You can train your chickens. In the same basic manner you would a cat. treats given when they do what you want, like if you call Chick, chick, chick and the come to you or follow you, they get treats. In time they will come to you or follow you without the treats, just because you call Chick, chick, chick. They understand NO, or mine get nope, to stay out of the street or the neighbor's garden, etc. they will come and sit on your lap for a treat, let you pet them. I had two that would take corn from my mouth, we called it chicken kisses. Hope you enjoy our family. :frow

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