Eggies....what do you think?

I saw them at an outlet store in Michigan City IN. So there are on the shelves, just have to look for them. They were either $14.99 or $19.99. I think $14.99.
They were $10 at the OC fair + tax for the 1 set. Have no idea if you had to piece them together or not, but the box wasn't very big. They seem like a bit of a hassle, so I'm glad I didn't get them! Maybe you could try to sell the extras on ebay?
It would be hard to think that someone would pay the $13 + for one set. I suspect that if one waits a while the prices will even go below $10 a set.
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i just looked them up online, they have a website its like, 12 cups and 2 egg slicers, i didn't look at the price tho.

and honestly, salted water, shells peel fine <_<
Yes, they are extremely overpriced online. I don't recommend anyone buying at that price. They will eventually be available in more places and if people see what they are getting, they will not pay the internet price.

I have some that I am not going to use.

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