Egglaying Question


Apr 6, 2015
I have a bit of a dumb question :)
I know some chicken breeds tend to have bigger eggs than others, but as they start laying will their eggs get bigger as they grow?
Also, sort of the same concept, I have a Dominique hen who during one of her broody spells I let hatch out 2 eggs. She just started laying again but her eggs are a bit small. She's a pretty good size hen, bigger than our barred rock, but the barred rocks eggs are bigger. Are Dominique eggs smaller than barred rock eggs? Or will her eggs get bigger since she's sort of "starting over"?
This is what I've noticed from my limited experience...

When our girls started laying the eggs were small and got increasingly larger.

One of our hens went through a soft molt this winter and stopped laying. One day we found a smallish egg and knew it was probably her starting to lay again. She's laying large eggs now again.

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