Eggs and Broodiness Question

Crack N' Egg

10 Years
Jul 29, 2009
Flemington, NJ
So I'm hoping this comes out on post like it is in my here goes.

I have 9 hens (2 silkies, 1 BO, 1Wyandotte, 2 dominiques, 2 EE, 1 Delaware) and 1 Wyandotte Roo.

Sometimes my hens will lay in the same nesting box and sometimes they don't. I understand that "technically" a hen will go broody when she completes a clutch. Well, sometimes I find a hen sitting on all the eggs, even though they are not all hers. Does a clutch mean 10-12 of "one" chickens eggs..or 10-12 eggs period? Do other breeds of chickens sit on other's eggs?

I hope the question was written where it is understood. Hopefully someone can help me

Thanks for your responses in advance!

Happy Easter!!
A hen will sit on eggs that aren't her own. So they're kind of like her "adopted" chicks. I have a hen right now that's sitting on 7 eggs that aren't her own. I bought them from someone because we don't have a rooster.

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