Eggs and hot weather


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 17, 2007
My hubby wants to know if the eggs are safe in the nest to eat when it's in the 90's outside and they are out their all day while were at work. He won't eat them cause he's afraid they are bad. Anybody know about this?
We've never had a problem with them and I've never heard any complaints form the prople who buy our eggs either. I collect them as early as I see them in the day and then again when we get home from wherever we've been. Yeah-they seem hot sometimes, I rinse under cool water and then refrigerate. Good Luck-even my hubby eats them then.
The egg, as laid at 105 °F, normally has no air cell. As the egg cools, an air cell forms usually in the large end of the egg and develops between the two shell membranes. The air cell is formed as a result of the different rates of contraction between the shell and its contents. We keep our hen house shaded and the air circlulates well, we have never had a problem.
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I'm in florida so it gets 98* here in the summer and mine set out in the coop until I get home at 6 or 7 at night. I've never had a problem. There were times when I couldn't collect them weekend get away and they were fine even after several days in the nest.

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