eggs change colors after injury?


6 Years
Apr 6, 2018
Western North Carolina
Hi, Last month I posted here when a coyote *badly* injured one of my barred rocks, Chickpea. We didn't think she was going to make it. Her side was ripped completely open and her vent and tail were chewed raw and open. My doctor friend sewed her up and we gave her antibiotic shots and she has pulled through!
Her feathers are growing in and she's just started laying again, but now the eggs are off-white. Is this anything to worry about? Could her coloring apparatus have been injured in the attack? Is it safe to say that, now that she is laying eggs and chickening around almost normally, that she is officially out of the woods?
Here is the old thread with pics of her injuries if you scroll through enough.
I'm glad to hear she is recovering nicely and has come back into lay. I think if her shell gland was too badly damaged, she would not be laying a nice hard shelled egg.
Pigment is applied in the shell gland, so give her time, they may darken up. I've noticed in with a couple of my girls when they come back into lay after molt, the shells are lighter, then darken up, as the season progresses, they become lighter again. Age also seems to be a contributing factor as well.
Give her some time and see if they darken up.

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