Eggs everywhere


Sep 12, 2020
Stafford, Virginia
A couple days ago i found a blue egg 3-4 feet from the nesting boxes. Was still warm when i picked it up and a hen was trying to settle on it.
I have had 2-3 eggs i found on the ground which i think they kicked from the boxes on accident. any way to actually know their laying on the ground and how to stop it? How to stop them kicking eggs out?
How many hen do you have? How many nesting boxes? Is there a barrier to keep eggs from easily rolling out of the nesting box? How old are your girls, young layers often need to be taught where to lay their eggs..
36 chickens, 5 are chicks and 3 are roos. 4 nesting boxes. Small barrier to keep bedding in and eggs, but they still kick stuff out.
36 chickens, 5 are chicks and 3 are roos. 4 nesting boxes. Small barrier to keep bedding in and eggs, but they still kick stuff out.
I would add at least 2 more nesting boxes.. If you can add 4 more.. 4 is not enough for 28 layers. Plus when the chicks get laying age.. thats 33 for 4 nesting boxes.. sounds like you need more.. I forget the ratio for chickens to nesting boxes but I know you need more..
You should have at least one nesting box per 5 laying hens. However, I suspect the issue is that they are new layers. Just keep fake eggs in the nest box to help teach them to lay. I've had new layers have hiccups like this every year and they usually straighten out in a few weeks. I agree that a lip helps, but I suspect the gals are just getting the feel for their new found egg-laying abilities.

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