Eggs not hatched yet?


10 Years
Apr 8, 2013
Labadie Missouri
I put my chicken eggs in the bator 21 days ago today why haven't they hatched yet. When I candled the eggs for the last time on day 18 they were alive and kicking so they should still be ok, but why haven't they started to hatch yet. I know that your not supposed to but should I candle them to make sure they are ok?
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I'd leave the eggs alone for now. Most chicken eggs hatch around the 21st day, but can hatch earlier or later. Its possible that your incubator temperature was slightly off, and would cause them to develop a little slower. I'd give them at least another day before candling them.
one might be getting ready to hatch son because the egg keeps moving side to side, but it as not yet pipped. Also none of the other eggs have moved at all does that mean anything. Can you tell this is my first time hatching eggs
I'd leave the eggs alone for now. Most chicken eggs hatch around the 21st day, but can hatch earlier or later. Its possible that your incubator temperature was slightly off, and would cause them to develop a little slower. I'd give them at least another day before candling them.
I have duck eggs that are due today! Heard chirping this 10:00 am. Lots of movement then.... Still no cracks or breaks in the shell,,, haven't seen any movement... Is this normal or is there a problem???
I have duck eggs that are due today! Heard chirping this 10:00 am. Lots of movement then.... Still no cracks or breaks in the shell,,, haven't seen any movement... Is this normal or is there a problem???
If you heard peeping, they have probably internally pipped (broken through the air cell/membrane). You may have to wait another 12-18 hours before they externally pip or hatch. Your ducklings are probably fine.
Thank you!!!!!! It's been pretty amazing watching them progress to this point....hopefully soon........
Ladies and gentlemen after 21 long days we have a pip, could be minutes, could be hours till we have a little fluff ball, hopefully 3 more to follow. Then next week 5 more. This is one happy mommy

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