Eggs of Different ages-Tragic Ending.

Well, I just candled all the eggs.

34 out 35 have babies! Little Heartbeats!

I dropped one though, so the possible number is 33.

What am I going to do with all these chicks!

*Sigh* When it rains, it pours!
Ok, new question. The temps here in Arkansas have dropped this weekend. My poor LG incubator was having trouble keeping up (it was 95 at one point!), so I raised it, what I thought was a smidge. Went in an hour later, the temp was at 108!

I immediately cooled them down, and between my hubby and I, have managed to keep the temps at aroung 99-100. On day 8 I had 33 out of 35 alive. I'm hopinf since these are just good ol farm chickens, and not anything fancy, they will be ok. Plus, Momma can't stay on the nest all the time, so they have fluctuactions, right?

Reassurance would be good now. Tomorrow is day 14.
OK, tomorrow is day 21, and so far no pips. The temps have stayed pretty constant since my last post, sometimes a little low, but never too high.

Humidty was a little high today, but It's down now.

And yet I have no pips.

So its either one of two things...

1. I fried the embryos when my temps were fluxing so much
2. The development is delayed because the temps were fluxing too much.


How long should I keep them in the bator?
Step away from the bator!
Sorry, had to say it.

I would leave them adjustments and hope for the best. I have heard people have eggs hatch up to 4-5 days late successfully. Hang in there and good luck.

Arggh! I'm so glad we have a new baby goat to keep me busy, or I would spend all my time staring at the bator!

I'll look at the eggs, and swear they are moving, but I'm hearing any peeps. I think I'm going insane!
Ok, got home from work last night, and two pips! And lots of cheeping.

Now the waiting truly begins. Yesterday was day 22. I'm thinking I will wait until tomorrow night to start checking any unhatched eggs. What do ya'll think?
WOW! I forgot about this thread! I hope you get a very good hatch!! Are all the eggs purebred or were the birds all running together? Post pics when your hatch is done, okay?

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