eggs under heat lamp?

My hen stopped being broody :barnie.... and the eggs r still warm, can I put the eggs under a heat lamp and they will still grow? :confused:
Well I would say No----but I guess there is always a chance, But Not Likely!! You have to control the temp and the humidity----the heat lamp would just dry the eggs out even it you had the temp correct. You might could use damp cloths, etc, etc and get lucky. You might could borrow one quick---get on FB etc ask around---keep the eggs warm---you might find one quick.
What day of incubation are the eggs on? Maybe you can whip something up that will work to keep them going until they hatch if they are close. I could come up with a couple things.
So..... my answer is theoretically, no. However, I always take any eggs from a broody after other chicks have hatched and do this. I have actually had it work. I am in a place with high humidity though, and it only works on the rare occasion. However, if you don't have other options, I would say give it a try. I would suggest putting a thermostat on it if you have that option.

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