I would stick with the common breeds like RIR, barred rocks, orpingtons & austrolorps if you want brown eggs. Leghorns & sussex for white eggs. There is a reason for these being so popular is because they are generally the best all around birds for the small backyard flock.
My RIR are my best layers for both size and numbers. My austrolorps lay just as many eggs as my RIR but are generally a smaller medium egg. My BR haven't started laying yet, but the eggs that they were hatched from were huge XXL jumbo in size......I can't wait for them to start laying. I did also try and hatch some Delaware eggs that XXL jumbo in size, but none of them made it.

aww im sorry they didn't make it
Americanas or Easter Eggers are good. Mine lay well. My egg customers like the green and blue eggs. The birds come in pretty colors, many have neat beards and are hardy.
Yes that website came in very helpful because i need a hardy bird lol... i have a question though on this website

below some of the eggs is a snow flake and i have tried to look around to see if there is a Key around to see what it means but there is none that i can find, does any one know what that means
The key is all the way at the bottom. Keep scrolling down... Snow flake indicates they are cold hardy.
Don't beleive everything you read!!!

Brahmas don't have a snowflake & they are none to be great winter layers! (lay large egg)

also americanas/EE they also don't have a snowflake & they will lay all winter!! (lay large egg)

didn't check on rocks, cochin but, they lay all winter! cochins (Xlarge) mine aren't laying yet but I hatch them the eggs were as big as BO!
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Heck, I was gonna say live ones.

I have a Leghorn who lays decent sized eggs from March to July. She's also almost 5 years old.

My Light Brahma hermaphrodite crowing hen laid one baby yellow egg in the 3 years I had her.

My Bantam Silkie/Cochin mix lays small tan eggs 6 out of 7 days unless she's broody which is more often than not.

Most of the time it's what you want them for. Mine are pets so the eggs are just a nice benefit.

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