Australorps are capable of laying an egg a day. Ours are very close to that. They lay XL to jumbo brown eggs. The hens are very quiet. I have a neighbor who raises all types of heritage breed chickens for the local hatchery and he says that the Austalorps, despite their size, eat the least of all the breeds in his barn. He has raised brahma, americauna, orpington, speckled sussex that I know of.
I'd have to say my RIR, leghorns, and Barred rocks lay the most consistently. The light brahma and black australorp do really well, too, even in the winter. My americauna doesn't lay worth a dink... I keep hoping that she'll lay, but it's not looking good.
They all taste good, though (edited to add that I was referring to the eggs there, but the chickens count, too!)... homegrown is always the best.
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My sex links produce more then my moms barred rocks.

I am getting 2 eggs a day from 2 of the 4 of my girls and my moms barred rocks have not laid in about a week now.

I made the best tasting egg salad sandwhich though

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