Eggs with splatters?


12 Years
Oct 1, 2007
Medina, OH
One of my RIR's is laying an egg about one every other day. She seems healthy with a good appetite...but I've noticed her eggs look a bit odd.

They come out with what looks like splatters of mud or plaster on them. Thespots are a beige color and are hard and come off of the egg if you pick it off w/your finger nail. She is laying in a clean nesting box. I cracked open one and the only thing different is there seemed to be a blood spot? floating in the white.

Any ideas on what is causing this? Are the eggs still safe to eat?
I get them on my eggs too . Don't know the cause , but my chickens are happy and healthy . Oh and the eggs are from different breeds if that helps !
The egg could just be getting an extra dose of pigmentation as it goes through the oviduct. If the inside looks fine, I wouldn't worry about it.

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