

Mar 10, 2018
Eastern GA.
Hi everyone! I have been getting a lot of eggs lately. More than normal. I have 6 hens total and on a normal day I can get 7 eggs. Not sure if that is normal..but that isn't my reason for posting. My eggs have been odd looking & I just want everyone opinions. I do give my girls oyster shells and scratch every other day plus the normal feed and bread. Well in these pictures I have the following questions-
1. The white ring, is that normal?
2. The ring where it looks like it didnt finish forming the shell, is that okay?
3. The cracks, that happened before I went out. It isn't all the way through, what am I supposed to do?
4. My duclee, her egg is in the middle of the brown egg and the white polish egg, is that the normal size of them? It's small than my silkie eggs that I used to get. I've never seen them that small.

Thank you so much for all the answers & I'm sorry if they seem like dumb questions, I'm new to the egg thing.
That's weird we gather eggs daily and check 4 times a day because we dont want them to get smashed. But thank you! I will toss it!! I'm careful about our eggs. My friends mama had a chicken who got a taste of egg and would eat them after that, so I'm careful about checking and often.
Are they new layers? A lot of weird things happen with the eggs when they first start. Based on the shape of the breaks in the top one it looks like it was broken by other eggs to me. Are the shells thin?
Yes & no they shells are thick. They have their own bowl of oyster shells to eat from whenever they please, I was told that was the best thing to do with that
I do give my girls oyster shells and scratch every other day plus the normal feed and bread.
What exactly is their normal feed?
Is it available every hour they are awake?
Cut out the nutrition there.

How old are the birds and how long have they been laying??
Where in this world are you located?
Climate is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, then it's always there!
My birds are between the ages of 6 months to 2 years. So some are new to laying and others have been laying for a while now. However I just rescued a bunch of them from someone and my original ones I've only had for 6 months.
It's a bag I get from our local feed store. It's the only one they carry.
What is the protein and calcium percentages on the nutrition tag?

However I just rescued a bunch of them from someone and my original ones I've only had for 6 months.
Do the funky eggs start before or after the new birds arrived?
Are the eggs from the new birds or the existing birds?

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