
Ah, that is what I was afraid of, that I just should have left it alone. It has been progressing today, and actually seeming better, so hopefully it will be ok despite me being impatient! Thank you very much for the response. I do feel better if it is just a natural thing and not a deformity like I was thinking.
Hey, it happens! It's so hard to just let them struggle, especially when you're worried they're in distress. It's such a helpless feeling lol. I can't be 100% certain that's all it is, but it is a very common occurrence in assisted hatches, and the fact she's improving is another good sign!
Hey, it happens! It's so hard to just let them struggle, especially when you're worried they're in distress. It's such a helpless feeling lol. I can't be 100% certain that's all it is, but it is a very common occurrence in assisted hatches, and the fact she's improving is another good sign!
Yeah it really seems to be doing pretty good when I just checked on it. Actually up running around in there, and does look like that area might be shrinking. If it continues like this, I think it will be ready to join the others in the morning! Those guys are all doing great so far since we got them out and into the brooder.
Unfortunately the last one didn't make it til this morning. He was still going around 4 this morning, but at 7 when I went to check on it and get ready to transfer it had passed. I am going to probably be cleaning it all up and get some chicken eggs set today to get them in probably tomorrow. I got to get things situated around here and final things I need done to get ready for our Muscovy and Pilgrim goslings we have coming this week.
Unfortunately the last one didn't make it til this morning. He was still going around 4 this morning, but at 7 when I went to check on it and get ready to transfer it had passed. I am going to probably be cleaning it all up and get some chicken eggs set today to get them in probably tomorrow. I got to get things situated around here and final things I need done to get ready for our Muscovy and Pilgrim goslings we have coming this week.
Oh I'm so sorry.

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