Electric Poultry fencing

NY Coturnix

May 12, 2020
New York
My poultry fencing arrives on Friday. Very excited to give the poults some space to get out in the lawn. I've watched the video's but does anyone have any advice on some introducing them to the wire. I was thinking of trying it with the power off first but then thought that could be a mistake as I want them to know what it does.

Any advise appreciated.

They will figure it out. You definitely want the power to be on and the fence to be as hot as possible when they are first exposed to it. They will learn to respect it quickly that way. Mowing the fence line, at first initially before you put the fence up, and then occasionally every week or two, is crucial. Sometimes it helps to lay the fence flat on the ground along the fence line you intend to create and then go back along putting the posts in the ground. It takes a little while to get used to it, but its nice to be able to move them around with if you cant let them free range. I use it in the spring to keep my free range chickens out of stuff, rather than in.
I also recommend completely disconnecting the bottom hot wire from the rest of the fence - rendering it simply a strand that is not hot. It really helps with the shorting out on grass issue. Gives you an extra couple inches on the grass length.
3-5 week old Turkeys will go through poultry netting even when the power is on. They are protected pretty good with their feathers. Once they are about 8 weeks old they will fly over 4 feet and even the 5 feet 8 inch netting with no problem.
The 4 feet tall netting is good for older chickens with a wing clipped, but not for turkeys.

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