Electrolites. Where to get, how to give?


9 Years
Mar 10, 2010
I'm a new chicken owner. I have a three and a half month old silkie/ameracauna mix that has been sneezing and has a stuffy nose. She doesn't seem to be weezing but she's pretty quiet anyway. She's such a lovey girl and would hate to lose her...

I've read on a couple posts to give electrolites, but the only way I know to get those is with gatorade or a drink like that (dont laugh... I'm new). Any suggestions would be fantastic! I really love our Betsy, and she seems to love us.

You can go to the grocery store for some baby Polyvisol vitamins (Enfamil, I think) and mix it in her water. Don't get the kind with iron. Either that or your local feed store should have electrolytes in envelopes - generally enough for a thousand chickens, but it's what I used with my babies.

If she's sick you might also increase her nutritional intake in terms of feed. Scrambled eggs are great for sick birds. Also, plain yoghurt helps keep the friendly bacteria and gives a calcium boost.

Antiobiotics should be a last resort and only if there's clear indication of an infection. A vet may help you there as I'm not experienced in dispensing antibiotics to birds.

Maybe just a tablespoon or two mixed in with food. I think you can pour a little bit into a bowl and give it to her, too. I don't think that there is a set dosage. I would offer plain water with it so that she isn't just drinking it because she's thirsty, though.
Thank you sooo much everyone for your quick responses. Nice to know I have help, I'm so excited to finally have chickens! I've been waiting 3 years! Even after all the research, experience is what you really need sometimes.... Off to get some e'lites!
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I agree on the post about using gatorade. Whenever I would get baby chicks and
now that I am hatching my own I usually give gatorade the first 2 weeks in place of water.
If an older hen needs electrolytes I give gatorade also.
Well I bought some gatorade and offered it to her today, she wanted nothing to do with it. Wouldn't eat the scrambled eggs either. Not because she isn't eating, but her and her sister (a black silkie with a goofy foot) just don't know what treats are yet.

I finally used a tiny plastic syringe and dropped gatorade into the side of her beak and she swallowed it fine that way. Will just do it that way for a while.

How do I convince my pullets to eat things other than their feed? I sprinkled some feed on the eggs, but she didn't care. They just don't know a good thing when they have it

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