Eletric Fencing?

poultry guy

In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 11, 2011
Many people have told me i should use eltric fencing to keep foxes away, but what about keeping chickens in? is the fencing effective enough to do both? i would really like to know
My dominiques can be confined by electrified poultry netting but not my games that can fly very well.

I can even give red foxes a hard time with electric wire if it is placed about 6 inches from pens that slow fox's progress.
No, an electric fence will not reliability keep chickens inside. The way an electric fence keeps foxes at bay is to condition them to associate close approach to your chicken coop with a sudden, unexpected and painful electric shock

Notice how wide a birth the fox in this video gives the chickens and their coop after only one lessen.
Its just my personal opinion, but I would have put the electric fence just inside the tree line. I would want the predators to avoid the area,not just the coops and also its easier to convince predators to stay away from an area than it is to allow them close to prey and then try to convince them to not go after it.
good easter morning.well the electric fence goes up in the morning,i lost one of my girls yesterday evening to my sons pet dog.i had finally allowed them to free range all day yesterday.oh well.
I use 4 foot high electric poultry netting with about 60 birds, including some good flyers like white leghorns. Never had one fly over (which to be honest, surprised me). Actually - ONCE a few leghorns flew over after being scared after a hawk attack - so they CAN, they choose not to. I really didn't think it would work, but /shrug..
I've had my net fence for 2 years. I have 50+ red and black sex links in the pen at a given time and love it. I do have certain birds that will fly out even with their wing clipped. They only seem to get out when the grass is worn out in their run. I clip all the pullets wings before I put them out for the first time, that way they don't learn they can easily fly over the fence.

I have loose dogs & cats, fox, raccoon, possum, skunk, and coyote in my area. I would not be able to have birds if I didn't have this fence.
electric wire might HELP to keep chickens in but if they try hard enough they could get out pretty easily I'd say

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