Elvis is For Sale/Trade! Black Hair & Sideburns Sultan Cochin Arkansas


11 Years
May 29, 2008
SC Arkansas
This is Elvis. He is a cute bantam Sultan & bantam Cochin cross. He has a cool slicked back crest and very attractive sideburns...um, I mean muffs. Not much bigger than a "Good Luck Charm", but is definately a "Hunk of Burning Love"!

He's around 4 months old, and I should have found him a home sooner, as I am way overpopulated with roosters, but he is just so darn adorable!

He's just $4.00 or a fair trade of some type of poultry related item that I might need, or might consider a trade for a chick of a breed I raise.

I'm in South Central Arkansas, close to Arkadelphia.

I have several more cute cockerels and a few pullets for sale or trade!


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I was in Camden Saturday.

I may have a male white frizzle Cochin for sale. Someone has spoken for him, but something came up and they don't have the money right now. I'm not sure if they will still get him or not. They wanted him and two Langshan pullets.

I have several Easter Egger pairs....maybe even a trio, but mine are Standard size, sorry. They're very pretty though.

I even have a barred EE. I have a Rhode Island Red cross that is a smaller rooster so far. I think his Dad is half bantam, very stock and not real tall. His Mom is a nice RIR hen that lays eggs like mad.

I believe I'll have a male Sultan bantam chick for sale.....acting like a boy anyway! His Mom is pictured on my avatar to the left (when she was a chick).

Hmmm... I might have a Silkie male for sale. They are about 3 months old and one is biting the others on the back of the neck a lot. I'm pretty sure it's a boy. I might sell one of the females with him.

I have a Mille Fleur boy for sale, but he hasn't gotten his spots yet. He's a nice pet to breeder quality, not show quality, since his beard is too small for show in my opinion.

Most of the bantam females I have are just a week or two old and still in the brooder, but those will be for sale.

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