Here's an email I got from Ideal today...too bad I don't get RFD TV, it looks interesting.
The RFD-tv film crew visited Ideal Poultry this past week. The show Ag Lifestyles on RFD-tv will show what goes on during a typical hatch day at Ideal Poultry located in downtown Cameron. The show will air at 8:30 pm on Tuesday April 1st, at 10:00 am on Wednesday April 2nd and at 10:30 pm on Sunday April 6th. All times are Central Time. The show will air on Direct TV channel 379, Dish Network Channel 231 and other Cable providers.
The RFD-tv film crew visited Ideal Poultry this past week. The show Ag Lifestyles on RFD-tv will show what goes on during a typical hatch day at Ideal Poultry located in downtown Cameron. The show will air at 8:30 pm on Tuesday April 1st, at 10:00 am on Wednesday April 2nd and at 10:30 pm on Sunday April 6th. All times are Central Time. The show will air on Direct TV channel 379, Dish Network Channel 231 and other Cable providers.