email from Ideal


12 Years
Nov 12, 2007
Here's an email I got from Ideal today...too bad I don't get RFD TV, it looks interesting.

The RFD-tv film crew visited Ideal Poultry this past week. The show Ag Lifestyles on RFD-tv will show what goes on during a typical hatch day at Ideal Poultry located in downtown Cameron. The show will air at 8:30 pm on Tuesday April 1st, at 10:00 am on Wednesday April 2nd and at 10:30 pm on Sunday April 6th. All times are Central Time. The show will air on Direct TV channel 379, Dish Network Channel 231 and other Cable providers.
I got that email too... I would have loved to have seen that show!

Maybe I'll find a friend who would record it for me.
I tivoed it yesterday. It was pretty interesting but didn't go into alot of details. And they definately didn't show them handling them as roughly as I've seen on shows in the past.
I just looked it up under search and it is on at 8:30 pacific, the title that came up was "farmer jones presents" and info was 'brown egg layers' or somethin like that. I recoreded it for sunday so I will have to watch it whenever I guess.

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