EMBARRASSING - yet You will find this funny


9 Years
Jun 4, 2010
N. Ontario CANADA
Ok so at the risk of being made fun off I thought I would share something that just happened to me, I was quite embarrassed but after I laughed pretty hard.

First I will Say my DH IS A TOTAL BONE HEAD

we had company over for evening coffee the last couple hours, DH is heading out tonight for a few hours and so he said he was heading into the shower, I walked our friends out to their car and I was still talking to them while trying to dust the snow of my van, my back was to the house. My friend was looking at something behind me and as I turned around DH jumped into my view screaming, he was wearing one of those ghostly skeleton masks you can buy for hallowe'en. I got scared, screamed, and began beating him with the snow brush at first, everyone was laughing pretty hard, and even more so when I realized in the processed of being scared out of my wits I TINKLED myself :-S

Dh walked back in the house apparently quite satisfied with himself, my friends drove away still laughing.... yup he is a real joker wait till I get him back!!
I'd wait till he goes to sleep and sew him up in the sheets and beat the crap out of him with a plastic spatula.

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