EMBARRASSING - yet You will find this funny

Priceless!!! What an excellent way to show your wife you love her.

An Hallmark moment if there ever was one.

Revenge???....He was only thinking of you. Making memories...that's
what he was doing. Making one of those special husband and wife
I have always told my wife, that she is here for my amusement - whenever I do something similar to this
My hubby did something like that to me years ago. It was late one summer night, and I told him I was taking the trash out------I went out the front door, and had to go around the side of the house and down the drive to the trash bins. Unbeknownst to me, Hubby had gone out the door after me and snuck around the other side of the house. Just as I was opening the trash bin lid, I heard a noise, looked up and saw someone rushing towards me out of the dark! I slammed the trash bin, dropped the trash and took off running! Hubby caught up to me and grabbed me, and I was so shaken up and mad, that I started hitting him and bawling! He thought it was funny, and said he did it just to see what my reaction would be-------I was mad for quite some time!
ohh ya he is a man alright....
I will get him back, when he least expects it, and if I can not come up with something good I will just wait till he is taking a shower tomorrow and serve him up a bucketful of icy cold snow..... that'll wake his butt up
I like the way you think, but wouldn't that leave marks? Ema, you need something that wouldn't leave marks, but at the same time, leave a lasting impression. And maybe not even one big trick...maybe a bunch of small ones that gradually get bigger as you go!

Hmmmm...have to put on the thinking cap & get back to you.
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I don't think they make the "I am sorry you peed your pants when I scared the crap out of you" card

But if my Dh was in charge of hallmark cards I can assure you there would be some very questionable cards...as he is out playing poker with his buds, I am sure they will all be having a good giggle about this, and I will know because when I see them they will all have that stupid smirk on their face....

but you can mark my words...I WILL get him back, sooner or later!!
I like the way you think, but wouldn't that leave marks? Emma, you need something that wouldn't leave marks, but at the same time, leave a lasting impression. And maybe not even one big trick...maybe a bunch of small ones that gradually get bigger as you go!

Hmmmm...have to put on the thinking cap & get back to you.

Well what's he gonna tell everybody? My wifey beat me up?

If you want to go markless...put jalapeno pepper juice on his toothbrush, Icy Hot in his hand lotion...that way when he goes potty....I'll give you tine to think about that one, and maybe just for good measure feed him some exlax fudge and hide all the toilet paper.

My DH knows not to mess with me. I'm too stinkin mean with the paybacks
I dont think you can buy a toothpaste that would make your teeth turn black...

Love that exLax fudge...if you do cook it, wouldn't it make it less effective?


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