EMERGENCY, BLEEDING FOOT - Found an injured dove in the backyard, now what?


Sad, but at least I have chickens
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
May 26, 2013
San Diego, United States
Another bird was startled by the dogs barking and dropped the dove in our backyard. It became entangled in the plants and could not fly off. One of our cats found the bird and was ready to eat it when we intervened. The dove is bleeding from its foot - any ideas on how to stop it.

Since it is not a steady stream of blood, we decided to leave it alone. It is currently in a plastic bin with wood shavings, a tupper of water and chick grumbles (we're raising month old chicks at the moment, had nothing else) and its in the coop where it can keep warm.

The chickens were curious as to what the dove was but after realizing that it was a in a bin, they left it be and went off in to their own space of the coop. Any ideas on how we should proceed?

If you have any steptic powder that will stop the bleeding. If you do not have any of that you can use alum powder ( the stuff that makes dill pickles to make you pucker). I guess in a jamb you could try the pickle or the juice also....it might work....
We ended up finding the dove and patching her up. turns out, she was bleeding from her plummage as well. She was released back in to the wild yesterday and hung around for a while. She seems alright, considering that we had to wash ants off of her and she was still having slight trouble with her foot.

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