emergency duck egg rescue incubation

Hi im also after a bit of advice... my call duck was sitting on a clutch of 15 eggs and walked away from them on day 25... un prepared for this I brought them into my house and have been looking after them since.. to begin with they were under a heat lamp in a cardboard box.. and not turning them... i struggled to get the humidity and temp right and maintained... i finally got them into an incubator on day 30... and was advised to turn them for a couple of days which I did do then stopped on day 32.. im now down to 4 eggs.. on day 33/34 they started to wiggle.. their now on day 37/38.. their still wiggling and the eggs are literally rolling over .. but they still don't seem to of pipped through into the air sac that alone the shell.. im getting worried now... i don't want to loose them.. if anyone can advice it would be greatly appreciated...
Update on my eggs and a question, I candled again last night, day 21 both eggs still show movement but one is almost completely dark and the other has clear spots below the air cell where the duckling is, I can see a lot of veins around the top in this one still and lots of movement, why would one be almost solid dark and the other not? Does it mean one egg is not doing so well and the other is fine? Or maybe they are both fine and just differently positioned in there? I am very nervous that if o my one hatches he or she will be lonely :( any advice or words of wisdom on this?

This is the hardest part, the waiting near the end. Mine did that too. One could be a little behind the other, or they could have just been in different positions when you candled. Movement is good and you still have a ways to go, so dont panic. I know easier said than done. Kinda like a human baby, some take longer to position than others. Nothing to worry about yet since you still have several days to go. There is nothing you can do at this point, so keep up the good vibes and hang in there!
Hi im also after a bit of advice... my call duck was sitting on a clutch of 15 eggs and walked away from them on day 25... un prepared for this I brought them into my house and have been looking after them since.. to begin with they were under a heat lamp in a cardboard box.. and not turning them... i struggled to get the humidity and temp right and maintained... i finally got them into an incubator on day 30... and was advised to turn them for a couple of days which I did do then stopped on day 32.. im now down to 4 eggs.. on day 33/34 they started to wiggle.. their now on day 37/38.. their still wiggling and the eggs are literally rolling over .. but they still don't seem to of pipped through into the air sac that alone the shell.. im getting worried now... i don't want to loose them.. if anyone can advice it would be greatly appreciated...

Wow that's an odd situation and I'm not at all sure what to say. 37 days is amazing, but if they are still moving, they have a chance. I don't have calls but know they are very difficult to hatch. If you haven't gotten an answer anywhere else, search for a thread called "Call ducks finally hatched". Lacrystol is the call duck expert and may be able to help. Its probably time for you to help them out of there, if you are prepared to do so.
OK so I am now having quite the opposite situation... Today is day 23 well 22 and a half, I went to turn the eggs this morning and I swear I heard one egg peep 4 peeps... I was sure I hadn't hallucinated this but to make sure I candled in a dark room and well both air sacs have fully grow and I am in lockdown as one egg has internally pipped!!! I saw the beak peackin at the air cell and taking breaths!!! Are they going to be hatching ok at day 23/24? I now realize I think my incubator temp reading has been accurate and my secondary thermometer is reading less than what the temp is ( I think I've been incubating around 101.5 instead of 99-99.5 back please tell me what to do to save these guys!!! So far they seem fine but the one that hasn't pipped I still see a bit of clear fluid in... The eggs are in lockdow now and I can see the one that pipped gently wobble and hear it peep now and again so is there still hope for these guys? I'm praying hard and crossing m fingers
I new to this myself but I'm starting to think there is no right and wrong... everyone and every website says something different... This morning one if my eggs was wobbling like a trooper so I listened carefully and heard it squeaking... tonite it is clearly in the air sac and pecking at the shell.. where as the others seem to be a little behind this... im now worried cause there's been no movement for a few hours so im hoping it's resting and absorbing all of its goodness in there ready to finally arrive safely
Thank you I am hoping for the best wit these guys! I wish you the best of luck with yours also!! You should post pics when they break through :)
Ahsley -ducks can easily take 36-48 hours from initial pip to fully getting out so I think you are fine!

And betty I somewhat agree. I think there are some definite wrongs (way too high temps, etc) but you can still do everything "right" and still things go wrong. So there is alot of gray. I think the different stages come from shell quality, egg age, size, several factors... Humidity is a huge area of gray! What works for some doesn't work for all, so I think it all comes down to what works for you!
I wish I could remember how I incubated my duck eggs in high school... I had a 12/13 hatch rate on shipped eggs! I have no idea what I did so well though cuz everyone I know says 50% is a good hatch rate on shipped... I wish I could remember lol
I getting worried now still nothing from my egg that internally piped yesterday... it was still pecking at the shell this morning but very slowly.. how do I know if it's struggling to pip the shell... then a different egg maybe trying to pip but i noticed this morning on the underside of the egg a blob/mark inside however it was still moving and shell wobbling

can any1 advise if this 1 will make it or what's happened
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Use the search function at the top and search for "assisted hatch" and find the thread by Sally Sunshine. Sorry, its difficult on my phone to find the link for you. But it has fabulous info on what to look for and when you may have to intervene. Good luck!

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