emergency duck egg rescue incubation

I getting worried now still nothing from my egg that internally piped yesterday... it was still pecking at the shell this morning but very slowly.. how do I know if it's struggling to pip the shell... then a different egg maybe trying to pip but i noticed this morning on the underside of the egg a blob/mark inside however it was still moving and shell wobbling

https://www.backyardchickens.com/co ntent/type/61/id/6821732/width/200/height/400[/IMG can any1 advise if this 1 will make it or what's happened[/QUOTE]

Your image link is a bit broken, but I got it to work. Looks like that one is trying to pip where that dark spot is, so it may need you to help at least make it a very small breathing hole there in the shell since it doesn't look like it's in the air cell. Here is the link WVduckchick mentioned that is great information on assisted hatching (if/when they need it):

After saying this morning my egg that was making good progress but it's pecking on the shell to get out sounded weak was correct... checked on them tonight and when candled I could see its beak resting on the shell and no movement... we made a external pip to find she'd died... like i said before.. as far as I'm aware she first pecked through membrane early hours yesterday morning.. actively squeaking and then last nite tapping well... bout 36 hours later shes died... the blood vessels look perfectly absorbed and yolk sack absorbed from what I can tell... at what point do we intervene with the other 3 to prevent loosing them too.. when we are sure theyve internally pipped and when we hear that squeak and tapping?? I don't want to loose the others... there activity is also quiet tonight they normally give the odd wiggle but are not in the air sac yet.. i do have pics but are a but grim. . I'd like people's opinion as to if if it was that she simply couldnt make that external pip.. but didn't know if anyone would mind me putting them on..
After saying this morning my egg that was making good progress but it's pecking on the shell to get out sounded weak was correct... checked on them tonight and when candled I could see its beak resting on the shell and no movement... we made a external pip to find she'd died... like i said before.. as far as I'm aware she first pecked through membrane early hours yesterday morning.. actively squeaking and then last nite tapping well... bout 36 hours later shes died... the blood vessels look perfectly absorbed and yolk sack absorbed from what I can tell... at what point do we intervene with the other 3 to prevent loosing them too.. when we are sure theyve internally pipped and when we hear that squeak and tapping?? I don't want to loose the others... there activity is also quiet tonight they normally give the odd wiggle but are not in the air sac yet.. i do have pics but are a but grim. . I'd like people's opinion as to if if it was that she simply couldnt make that external pip.. but didn't know if anyone would mind me putting them on..

OK I was also her concerned today as there were no more peeps after internal pip yesterday, well I was too worried to let it go I checked today and it sounded weaker peckeing trying to crack e shell
After saying this morning my egg that was making good progress but it's pecking on the shell to get out sounded weak was correct... checked on them tonight and when candled I could see its beak resting on the shell and no movement... we made a external pip to find she'd died... like i said before.. as far as I'm aware she first pecked through membrane early hours yesterday morning.. actively squeaking and then last nite tapping well... bout 36 hours later shes died... the blood vessels look perfectly absorbed and yolk sack absorbed from what I can tell... at what point do we intervene with the other 3 to prevent loosing them too.. when we are sure theyve internally pipped and when we hear that squeak and tapping?? I don't want to loose the others... there activity is also quiet tonight they normally give the odd wiggle but are not in the air sac yet.. i do have pics but are a but grim. . I'd like people's opinion as to if if it was that she simply couldnt make that external pip.. but didn't know if anyone would mind me putting them on..

Sorry that cut short,anyways I decided it was time to candle, find the beak, and give it a breather hole, I must say I'm very glad that I did, both membranes were super dry and the eggs shell was super hard to break through even for me, he is now breathing steadily and resting but giving out peeps every 10 minutes or so also, so I think if they have internally pipped and its been over 24 hours with no cracks to the shell and your senses tell you that that baby is getting weaker and struggling to break the shell give them a breather hole not only were membranes very dry but e egg was also very hard, I am not an expert this is my 3rd duck incubation I am just hoping telling you what happened with mine and that he seems to be doing better now :) I hope this helps :)
Going on personal experience of the internal pip yesterday and what's happened tonite.. Following her faint tapping for help this morning id make an air hole however mine are on day 38.. technically 39 now... so well overdue.. but she was a perfectly formed yellow little duckling.. so sad
I couldn't help but shed a few tears... my husband wanted to put a hole in her egg this morning.. kicking myself big time for not doing so now
Oh and I referred to the guides above about how to give him the breather hole, and I did pull back the inner membrane a bit to make sure nostrils were clear and it bled a tiny bit so I stopped and wrapped him in damp paper towels and continued lockdown procedures from then but I'm still glued to the window :)
That's brilliant news sorry didn't see your second post untill posted my last... keep us posted on how he gets on... ive got 3 left but as I said there not moving much tonite
I heard a few places wait up to 48 hours but I could just tell he was struggling so I felt the need to intervene, my husband wasn't even willing to come with me while I tried to put the breather hole so I did it by myself lol
Have any of the last 3 internally pipped yet? Or have you candled them recently? And thank you, I was kinda scared to do it but felt if I didn't it wouldn't make it, now time will tell if he can get out the rest of the way on his own :) oh and I've also got mynfingers crossed for your last 3, is there any possibility that maybe your duck wasn't sitting on them as early as you thought? 38 or 39 days is really surprisingly long but ten again mine are about 4 or5 days early so you never know

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