EMERGENCY!!!!!!!! Hen has egg bound symptoms, but I don't feel an egg! NEED RESPONCES NOW!!!!

Went out this morning, hen had bloody butt, and had been acting like she needed to lay an egg, since yesterday, got an egg yesterday, thought it was from her, but now not sure! Did egg bound routine, but checked, didn't feel shell! What are other things this could be? Pooped, acting more normal now, but what could this be? How can I help other than bath, egg check, calcium and lubrication? I am willing to pull an all nighter. I do not want to lose her. Please respond ASAP.
Every once in awhile my chickens will show symptoms similar to being egg bound, fluffed up, not walking much, eyes closing. When this has happened and they weren't egg bound it seemed to be from dehydration. I would just make them drink water and they seemed to be fine. My chickens free range most of the day and regardless of having several options for drinking water I guess they forget.

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