Emergency! Need advice quickly


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 27, 2014
Ethridge TN
During the night we heard a commotion in the hen house and discovered 5 of our hens and our cockerel on the ground. Everyone was apparently terrified, but after examining the area we found no external injuries nor any predator. One of the hens on the ground however was wheezing and was beginning to breathe out of her mouth. It was obvious she was struggling to breathe. There is no external sign of injury. It seems to be isolated to her airway. She has not been ill so this isn't a pre existing problem. We don't have a vet who will treat chickens and I'm at a loss! Any ideas?
Hi, have you had very hot weather that could make your coop too hot? What do you use as bedding? What is on the floor? is the coop closed at night?

The reason that I ask these questions is that over heating can cause these problems, dust and heat, feather dust, mould spores, dust in webs, etc, etc. this would affect anything with the airway.

Another cause can be sheer fright or night terrors, but that would have to be in each one at the same time.

Maybe they saw a predator or something was trying to get in.

These are only thoughts OK, we don't have any vets here, either, that are interested in chooks.

If the 5 girls and rooster are OK now, then check all of the suggestions above and see if it happens again.

I know this is just guessing, but I hope it will help in some way. Other readers may suggest other things or even know straight away what the problem is. I wish you luck.
check the crop if its empty, they've been hungry. too much heat could cause such thing and try some glucose and make them drink it drop by drop. and get some vitamin. you really need a vet.
Something may have gotten into the coop during the night through a small hole. One may have fallen off the roost after being crowded by another, and the others became upset if the sick hen was making a lot of noise. I would look inside the hens throat to make sure that she doesn't have anything stuck in there. Is she still wheezing and struggling to breathe? Look around for any entrance openings that a small predator could have gotten through. Hopefully, it was just an accident or fall and everyone will be alright.
Could have been a slight heart attack. Just guessing.
Maybe a predator gave her such a fright it stressed her too much.
I guess I should have explained myself. I believe the one that is wheezing is doing so from an injury from either falling off of the roost or flying off in the dark and hitting the wall or the nesting boxes. Her breathing was better yesterday. But this morning she seems labored again. I am giving her water with enzymes in it by droppers. She takes it pretty good but is not drinking on her own or eating. Our coop is basically open on two sides because it is attached to our barn so it's not too weather tight. We use deep litter method and combo straw and pine shavings as a drying agent and I turn it once a week. I really feel like this is injury related. Is it possible for her to have busted ribs? How would I know?
Hi Hasgrits68, if you think she has broken ribs, hold her carefully and feel for any crepitus (grating of bones) but be extremely careful as this will hurt her. You will tell if she is uncomfortable. If this is the case, and no vet will look at her, then I am afraid that you might have to think about culling her, to put her out of her misery. Also, if she isn't drinking by herself and only taking liquid via dropper, then she has probable neck trauma. Also, does she have any black areas on the comb, eyelids, ears or around the beak? To me, what you are describing is more likely to be neck trauma which is affecting the esophagus. Give it time and hopefully she will come good. On another note, you say that your coop is open on two sides, could a snake get in which could have caused panic and she fell the heaviest or bitten. Like I said, these are just theories which are based on being an ex Ambo.
If she's not drinking enough I suggest that you tube fluids to her, it's much easier and safer than doing it with a dropper.

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