Emergency - No meat on Turkey hen's breastbone

I am not sure what the iron suppliment will do to them and would tend to shy away from it.
I would suggest though maybe some calf or pig liver you can purchas from the store.
I would cook it slightly and then add it to her feed bucket, if she is an eager eater she will eat it right up
cut into small easy to swallow chunks.
My main concern with luquid iron is ther is little to no control over dosage, no idea what would be an appropriate amount for birds.
Just so you will know, Rosie is still hanging in there.

I had to make an emergency trip to Jacksonville, Florida. A dear friend of mine's husband passed away on Tuesday unexpectedly. But my DH is taking care of all the animals, especially Rosie.

She still has no meat on her breastbone. Her wings still droop. But I am hoping that our emergency measures will help her to come back.

We are still giving her the electrolytes and vitamins. Also the Rooster Booster with iron, but not everyday. We spray her every other day or so, but haven't seen any living bugs on her in a few days. Going to put DE in her dust bathing hole when I get back.

Again, I thank you all for everything. Still trying to find some Tylan 100.

Hope you all have a GREAT DAY!!
Glad to hear she's hanging in there.

I'm guessing she'll recover now that the bugs are gone. They can sap all the energy out of a bird.

I don't think you need to spray every other day. Generally, people spray twice -- once immediately, and then once in 2 weeks to kill any new eggs that hatched (they have a 2-week life cycle I believe, but at any rate, it's always 2 weeks later). I have a feeling you could possibly spray too much if you do it every other day.

It is very important to keep a dirt bath available for her on a daily basis. That way the birds keep any mites/lice away on their own, typically.
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So glad that she is doing better. I would not spray her any more. Give it 10 days from when the last time you sprayed her and then check her for mites.
Why are you looking for Tylan 100?

Good luck,
Hope she is doing better................Hey, Jacksonville is near me......

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