Emotions Tied to Culling

I've tried to explain about how supermarket chickens are really raised and about the specific breeds they use but they're so damn disconnected they found it hilarious. How crazy to think they're happy to eat pork chops and chicken tenders but don't even realise where they're from!!

I'm sure it's one of the reasons my family have pushed me so far aside, they disagree with where I live and how I choose to live. My kids aren't complaining, they absolutely love it so I try to think about that instead.

You're spot on really, thank you for the reassurance I appreciate it.
there is an odd disconnect between us and where our food comes from.
Now, mind you, I choked up when I considered giving two laying hens away that are just about turning one. I am realizing that 5 hens for 3 people is a lot of eggs when one does not regularly eats eggs (at least one a day)
Because I named them and even being busy I spent a little time watching their crazy antics.
I am sure they will fall off the roos due to old age, long after the last egg has been laid.

There are however people who will ask you in all seriousness why you are so mean and kill your own meat when you can just buy those neat little packages at the market where no animals got hurt
I wish I was kidding.
then you get to explain where the little shrink-wrapped meat portions come from (not the meat fairy!)

I am a wimp. I know how to, but I am sure I will close to never kill a chicken.
I love eating meat. it's yummie.
And I am fine with my double standard. I just wish I could buy meat from a local producer (one ByBer is opening a farm relatively near by, maybe I shop there in the nearer future?)
But this is the reason why I am not getting rooster, straight runs, or hatching eggs.
I chanced it with my RIR. I was fully expecting to get a little roo. Luckily the chick was female (and produces a lovely big eg almost every day) she is a pill sometimes though.
How is processing and eating my own roosters any different from eating chicken that comes from a grocery store? Someone still has to hatch it, grow it, and butcher it. At least with my own chickens I know I gave them a great life, and they enjoyed it, even if it was short. The factory chickens don't even know what the outdoors is. Have they ever eaten grass? Bugs? Heard birdsong, seen sunshine?

Answer - its more honest. You know the costs of your meal first hand.
Those people are what their culture and upbringing made them to be. They know where their meat comes from on an intellectual level, but it is taboo to get any closer to the source than the grocery store. To them, that's the way the world works and to short-cicuit the system is abberant behavior. Don't blame the individual; blame their parents and our society.
Maybe not blame, but hold the individual accountable? Society and our parents teach us things, but we are responsible for what we accept and live to. Even when I couldn't conceive of killing and eating animals I'd grown myself (and I couldn't for years), I chose not to criticize those who did or who were able to do it. I respected hunters and farmers for their self-sufficiency and skills that would keep their families feed in a time of need. I was kind of sad my parents couldn't teach me those skills. So eventually I taught myself (with much help from others, thank you everyone who's helped me on BYC). Not being able to step outside your cultural expectations and upbringing is one thing - criticizing others for not conforming is quite another, and that's the part I object to.
Those people are what their culture and upbringing made them to be. They know where their meat comes from on an intellectual level, but it is taboo to get any closer to the source than the grocery store. To them, that's the way the world works and to short-cicuit the system is abberant behavior. Don't blame the individual; blame their parents and our society.

No, there comes a point where mentally competent adults need to decide to accept or reject the culture of their upbringing.

At that point they are 100% responsible for their actions and choices, culture or no culture, and 100% accountable for their choice to be cruel to those who have made other choices. No blame-shifting.
I believe life experiences play a large role in a person’s emotional state when raising livestock for feed. Some ppl have no experience with death, others more.
Showing less emotion and going about culling mechanically becomes normal over time out of necessity. If enjoyment is the emotion then the line has been crossed into abnormal emotion and, dare I say it, psychological derangement.
I'm numb inside so yeah probably has something to do with it, I'm not the most empathetic person to people let alone animals but I greatly care about them.

Yeah, I think they seem to think I enjoy it for some messed up reason.. I don't.
I'd have told him, yes I did , you should try it some time..
Well I did forget to say, I was saying, "yes I had a lovely day" as she interrupted with the, "how sad!" Comment. They all knew I was off for my anniversary with my missus too, not just to kill some chickens which took 6 maybe 7 minutes?
I used to work with someone who was rabidly anti-gun. (I'm not rabid, but am pro 2nd Amendment.)

When he'd say something ignorant, like "A 38 special is the same as a Saturday Night Special," I'd tell him that, "No, they aren't, and here's the difference," followed by an explanation.

He finally stopped saying anything about guns.
I wish 🤣
I have also dealt with looks of disgust and the "how could you? I could never kill anything" type comments. To the extent the person isn't someone I can simply ignore, I try to be direct and matter with an explanation. Yes, I do find it difficult to butcher chickens. But, I don't want to be vegan, and raising my own meat gives me the opportunity to raise chickens in a much humane and healthful fashion than the factory farmed chickens at the supermarket.

In case of persistent rude comment like you are experiencing, I might also add that I find comments that suggest I enjoy killing to be offensive.
To me it's pretty far-fetched to call me a murderer or make out like I enjoy killing them. Yes, I do kill them but damn it's quite a leap.
I mention I have chickens "Awww cute! How fun!" We talk about eggs with no problems.

I mention baby chicks "Awwww cute! Adorable!" Lots of darling chick pictures.

I talk about the logistics of hatching and raising baby chicks. I mention that 50% of chicks born are roosters. You have to do something with all those roosters. I try to rehome when I can, but there is no way I'm going to rehome X amount of roosters. So I put them in the freezer. They make great soup. Myself and my family have our eggers which are pets, and our eggers and meat birds which are livestock. Extra cockerels are livestock. We eat our livestock

Looks of shock, severe discomfort. "You mean YOU kill the roosters?" Well, yes. What do you think the hatcheries and factory farms do with them? You are aware the chicken you eat from the grocery store only lives about 5 weeks, right? Mine at least get to interact with the outdoors some before they go in the freezer.

I am female. I have a full compliment of compassion. I can be a compassionate person and also process my own meat.

I get the strangest looks. I think I live in the wrong place. Maybe if we moved to the country and were surrounded by more farmers I wouldn't get such confused looks. But then, probably it would still happen. After all, I have a husband. He is supposed to kill and process the roosters because he is male. Never mind the difference in our temperaments, work schedules, etc. I, as a female, might help clean or cut up or cook, but the killing part takes them aback.

How is processing and eating my own roosters any different from eating chicken that comes from a grocery store? Someone still has to hatch it, grow it, and butcher it. At least with my own chickens I know I gave them a great life, and they enjoyed it, even if it was short. The factory chickens don't even know what the outdoors is. Have they ever eaten grass? Bugs? Heard birdsong, seen sunshine?

All this to say, @BrandonsBirbs that I'm sorry they're giving you such a hard time. They shouldn't be doing that. It's unkind and unfair. They're totally wrong when they call you a murderer, and they shouldn't be criticizing you for taking responsibility for the meat you eat. Their comments say a lot more about them than about you. I would suggest you share a lot less information, like NONE with anyone who makes disparaging comments. Your life is not their business, especially if they can't be supportive. It's not easy living a different life than those around you expect you to, but the rewards are worth it when you know you're doing what's best/right for you. Sending you supportive thoughts.
Maybe you're right, maybe I shouldn't be sharing anymore information because clearly they can't or won't comprehend what I am getting at. I'm not sure anyone here would care about your gender nowadays but everyone does seem to have that disconnect around here. Men seem more understanding of it but even some of them are still quite judgemental about it.

I don't understand why they can't understand what I am saying, what else do I do with my cockerels??? I was raised the same way as them in fact my family were super against me and still are, 90% of food was frozen but no I woke myself up and said what are we doing? How are eating frozen nuggets made from interesting parts of a chicken who was bought up in a cage for 6 weeks better than raising my own with love? Bizarre.
I have also dealt with looks of disgust and the "how could you? I could never kill anything" type comments. To the extent the person isn't someone I can simply ignore, I try to be direct and matter with an explanation. Yes, I do find it difficult to butcher chickens. But, I don't want to be vegan, and raising my own meat gives me the opportunity to raise chickens in a much humane and healthful fashion than the factory farmed chickens at the supermarket.

In case of persistent rude comment like you are experiencing, I might also add that I find comments that suggest I enjoy killing to be offensive.
and if it continues go to HR and file a complaint.
To me it's pretty far-fetched to call me a murderer or make out like I enjoy killing them. Yes, I do kill them but damn it's quite a leap.

Maybe you're right, maybe I shouldn't be sharing anymore information because clearly they can't or won't comprehend what I am getting at. I'm not sure anyone here would care about your gender nowadays but everyone does seem to have that disconnect around here. Men seem more understanding of it but even some of them are still quite judgemental about it.

I don't understand why they can't understand what I am saying, what else do I do with my cockerels??? I was raised the same way as them in fact my family were super against me and still are, 90% of food was frozen but no I woke myself up and said what are we doing? How are eating frozen nuggets made from interesting parts of a chicken who was bought up in a cage for 6 weeks better than raising my own with love? Bizarre.
I'd also ask them if they would like to purchase the food to feed these roosters..some roosters are food greedy..

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