emu chicks or egg hatching


15 Years
Feb 5, 2008
After doing much research, I think I would very much like to purcahse an emu at is just a few days old so that it would socialize better.
Is there anyone out there who has very young emus or is willing to hatch an egg for me?

Yours trly,

Suzy Kee:D
I have 2 emu's but they have another year before breeding. Getting them while they are young and socializing them is a good idea, thats what we did. They follow us around like dogs and are good watch dogs over our chicken flock and other fowl. You do have to watch introducing anything new into "their" yard. If they do not know it belongs there, they will go after it. They have a playful nature that is truly entertaining. I would suggest finding chicks, since emu eggs can be very hard to hatch and they are quite fragile as chicks. We kept our in the house in a kennel - word of caution, THEIR POO STINKS !!! Puppy pads came in handy, LOL
can you tell me some information about emus?
Like their temperments, how big of a fence they need, do they need a top on the fence?

I think it would be very neat to have one.
Where are you located? Some friends of mine just bought a proven breeder pair, so hopefully they will have eggs and maybe even babies in a few months. We/they are in IN..........
They like people have different temperments. The younger you get them the more attached to you they seem to become.Harness train them early so you have a way to get a hold of them Our female is the friendliest, she comes over and gives me Emu hugs with her neck, loves to be petted and scratched, in to everything etc. Our male is not mean, just doesn't love to be handled. He will follow you around, play with my hair, watch and get into everything I'm doing but just doesn't like to be scratched or held on too. He was older when we got him, like 1-2 months old. Like any bird they are attracted to anything shiny, colorful, moving etc. but are much bigger and have bigger beaks, LOL. We have to watch our ears because sometimes the Emu just can't control themselves, Ha Ha. We had them follow us outside when they were little and exposed them to our flock, peafowl, turkey, horses and potbellies etc. They remember the peafowl picking on them and will run from them even now that they tower over them. They get along with all our animals, but all our animals seem very tolerant of them. Our horses don't mind them playing with their hair, picking stuff off them etc. They are very curious birds, so I would keep them away from any animal with an aggressive side. They will chase and strike dogs with their feet that they do not know, heck they still do it to our shepherds but do it in a more playful way. They love the water and like to lay in it to cool off. Their feathers are very thick and collect a lot of heat. Our fences are a mix of privacy fence and horse fence aprox 4 feet on the horse fence. If they are raised seeing that as a barrier, then that should be fine as long as it has no give over the top that they can shimmy over. I'm sure mine could leap it with no problem, but they see it as a barrier. I only worry if they chase something that jumps the fence they could follow. I was told that they would only walk the fence line by the breeder but mine seem to roam all over. I think it depends on if they have things to stimulate them. Mine are always laying down with one of my other animals in the yard or seeing what type of trouble they can get in. They do need some room to run, and it is so funny watching them. They leap in the air, fall down on the ground , stand up again and take off- it's hilarious. My nephews who are 1/2 their size would chase them around the yard and then the emu would chase them, and at the last moment fall on the ground on their chest, bounce up and take off the other way, too funny. Mine like people, no problems there, I raised them in the house. They make a hissing noise, but it means many things from "whats that" to "hello". The females make a rumble in their chest during breeding season, other than that they are quiet. Their main defense is stomping, and you should introduce any new animal to them in a seperate pen for a few days. Once they know they belong there they will defend them, but still give the occasional chase when excited.
Now I've told you the good here is some of the bad: People are often scared of them, they think they are dinosaurs or something. Educate your neighbors so just encase one gets loose no guns are drawn.
They are curious birds and anything shiny, colorful, moving or new will get their attention.
As babies their poo stinks! And as adults it looks like Hersey's kisses all over the yard, Ha HA
They have very sharp claws and use their feet to defend them selves as well as kicking like a mule.
They eat emu pellets, like horse feed and chicken food also. Often it is hard to find emu food.
It is hard to find Vets that know about them
You have to give them shots like horses, Westnile & EE&WEE if it is a problem in your area
Giving emu's shots is not always easy
You worm them like most fowl, but not as much
They try to eat nails, shiny things, little critters, and anything you are eating
They can jump and can run 45 miles an hour
They don't always come when called
Some family members will stop coming over, ....oh wait..maybe that should be in the good things, LOL
i live in the mid-hudson region of ny. how long did you raise them inside. as far as waste, does that mean that the urine is odiferous also? when the poop smells, what does it smell like?
It just stinks and they do it often, don't know what it smells like, tried not to inhale! LOL They need warmth for a good bit of time. It takes awhile for their feathers to come in. They were in the house a few months, could of let them out sooner but I over worry about them, but I'm in Fl. It is a lot to care for them when they are young, although I know of people that made a little shed with a heat lamp above and hay on the floor and they were fine. When they are older it is not bad. They don't really use a shelter that much when older although ours used a dog igloo until they could no longer fit. Make sure to teach them to lay down for you. It is natural to them, but making them do it when you ask is very helpful when you need to control them or give them something. I don't have to worry about worming mine because they like it and eat it right out of the syringe.
Shots are given in the thigh.
I have a Rhea which is a little smaller than an Emu but looks very simular. I live in upstate new York and kept her in the barn all of last winter with a heat lamp she could get under because she was only a chick and she did real well. She has spent the whole summer in a large pen with a few chickens as company because after I lost her mate due to a birth defect she was very lonely by herself but once a added a few chicks she was fine. So I would reccomend either a pair or raising something with them if they are like Rheas in that respect. Mine has a three side shelter she can go into but she rarely does even when it rains she stays out. This winter she will be able to come into a stall along with going out so i'll see how she does with snow. Dia is her name and she is awesome!!!
I would love to get a Rhea but unfortunatley the regulations of the area in which I live prohibit them but for some inexplicable reason allow emus. Go figure!

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