Emu hatched yesterday but still isn't standing... is this normal?


May 1, 2015
I had my first emu hatch yesterday. At the end of the day today it is still not standing. It sleeps a lot and has half closed eyes, but other times it is alert and vocal. Is this normal?
Emupapa, I am concerned at how quiet this forum is. Really, you need an answer from an emu lover who incubates eggs.

I've seen wild emu chicks cover a half a mile, through ground 'litter' as tall as them, on the afternoon they hatched.

I had my first emu hatch yesterday. At the end of the day today it is still not standing. It sleeps a lot and has half closed eyes, but other times it is alert and vocal. Is this normal?

it's prob. fine, don't rush things and please don't try and force feed it either...no food needed till day 3.
Water you can offer now and god idea to add some vitamins and electrolytes to the water.
Of course make sure it's kept warm .
IF it's an only chick you can put a stuffed toy in there with it ( one without small buttons or loose strings , etc. on it that it could swallow ) to help keep it company. A well mounted mirror helps too. Being overly vocal could be a sign it's not happy for some reason or another, too cold maybe or too lonely when you leave the room.

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