

May 20, 2015
I have a young Emu, I just moved her from the original pen to a new home. I noticed her leg is turning outward and she now has a limp. She is only about 3 mos old, but what I have read is that an Emu under stress, this can happen. I have noticed Dexamethasone seems to be the best thing for them. Does anyone have any experience with this? I have been trying to get her the prescription but I seem to keep running into walls. Would any be able to help or point me in the right direction?

Hi So sad.... I get very upset when I read things like this......have you only noticed it now at 3 months old ???

What space had it up to now ?
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Sometimes they can pop tendons out of place or sprain them, especially if being moved from a smaller space and over exert themselves in a larger run. Palpate the leg if you can, see if you can feel the tendons and possibly manipulate it back to where it belongs. I do not have any experience with the drug so cannot offer anything as far as that goes. My emus are about three months old now so I an imagine your's is quite large. Take care in handling them.
It just happened within a couple of days I moved them on Saturday and she was fine. Yesterday I noticed a limp which I then carefully watched her end started to notice a diffference in her walk. She is only 3 months old and has been in the same holding pen since birth. I am gradually giving them bigger space as they get bigger and cannot hurt themselves. Do you have any advise or did you just want to express your sadness.


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