Endless list of chicken breeds we want to get

Wow! Never heard of them. Going to google them up:caf

Haha, those aren't even the most obscure on my list! Smaalands, Owlbeards, Woolly Svart Hona, Partridge Barthuhner, all breeds among others on my list as distant, hopeful dreams that I may never achieve for my flock due to their obscurity.
awe shiny wistful sigh.gif
Hi! So this is kind of random but feel free to post the name of the breed(s) you want to get. I would personally like to hatch a few breeds next year. Here is my list:

Mottled Bantam Cochins😍
Buff Orpingtons
Silver laced Barnvelder
( And maybe a few Silkies:oops:)

I am excited to hear what the breeds on your endless list of chicken breeds are!
Unless you're really in slovakia, I know a fantastic breeder of silver laced barnvelders in North Carolina with the best stock I've seen and fair prices. look up 'chickens at blue house farms'
  • Bantam Cochins (of all colors but buff)
  • English Orpingtons (also of all colors but buff)
  • Silkies
  • Polish
  • Speckled Sussex
  • Silver laced Wyandottes
  • Blue gold laced Wyandottes
  • OEGBs (lemon blue are one of my favorites)
  • Ameraucanas
  • Easter Eggers
  • Seramas
  • D'Uccles
  • Australorps
  • Bantam Sebrights

These are just a few off the top of my head :)

I'll be ordering my first chicks this fall, and I'm starting with mostly BCs, some Silkies, a Polish or two, some EEs, and Australorps. Though I plan on getting lots more breeds on my list, and I'd love to get some high quality English Orpingtons and BCs.
I spend more time looking at chicken breeds than I care to admit.
Silver laced barnvelder
Speckled sussex
Tolbunt Wyandotte (they aren't in the US, unfortunately)
A Rooster ( I like roosters!)
Cream Legbar
Swedish Flower
Silkied cochins
Silkied ducks
Dong tao
Tomaru Long Crowers
Scotts Dumpies
Rumpless Game
Barbu d'Anvers
Ayam Ketwa
Araucana (bantam preferred but probably stuck with hoping to get Standards at least)
Onigori (sp?)
Modern Game (again bantams prefered, but I'm taking whatever I can possibly get 😅)

Though almost all of those will have to wait until I move and can set up proper pens
Unless you're really in slovakia, I know a fantastic breeder of silver laced barnvelders in North Carolina with the best stock I've seen and fair prices. look up 'chickens at blue house farms'
Yes sadly I am in Slovakia. Lol nobody sells these breeds. Hopefully will be ordering from somebody in Europe

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