England UK

Hey all, I'm from south Somerset and have ducks! (feel like I'm introducing myself on a weird version of take me out!) So glad to find this thread, I love this site but sometimes when you have a problem you want help with you have to wait most of the day for the lovely people to wake up!
Talking of problems...I've duck eggs in lockdown I'm on day 28 now and there's no external pips, any advice or soothing words!?

I wouldn't worry about it just yet my eggs hatch on the actual day and drag out to the next day sometimes without external pip till next daya nd a zip with in half hour

I have eggs hatching now and although its chicken and day 21 and half and only 7 have hatched and 7 have piped the rest still need to pip (total 23)

the ducks will need higher humidity around 70-75% and yeah sit on your hands

Thanks guys, I'm afraid I didn't sit on my hands though, I risked a super quick candling and all are alive thank god but doesn't actually look like they've done the internal yet. So at least there was no shrink wrap risk, ou tongue twister. There's a lot of wiggling though up by the air sac but not really in it! Humidity is generally between 70 - 75 sometimes abit more. Come on duckies get your bums into gear!

i live in South Wales but from north west of Englad. Iam just starting out in chicken keeping. Still getting to grips with sorting my coop and deciding on my breeds.

Sorry, what's GFM?

I'm in the process of sorting out a coop for my chickens that I am geetting. Everything I read and all the advice from the experienced chicken keepers say that in terms of space - more is always better for the chicken's welfare.I'm also thinking of converting a shed but I will keep in walk in height so storage,brooders can be put higher up and leave the required floor space for the chickens. This is why I am interested in your watering system. The waterer would not take up floor space. Could you explain it? Would I be able to give fresh water reguarly.I plan to add ACV to my water.

Sorry, what's GFM?

I'm in the process of sorting out a coop for my chickens that I am geetting. Everything I read and all the advice from the experienced chicken keepers say that in terms of space - more is always better for the chicken's welfare.I'm also thinking of converting a shed but I will keep in walk in height so storage,brooders can be put higher up and leave the required floor space for the chickens. This is why I am interested in your watering system. The waterer would not take up floor space. Could you explain it? Would I be able to give fresh water reguarly.I plan to add ACV to my water.

GFM is Golden Feather Member

You describe the shed coop exactly as the one I built

you can use my design and ideas

click on "My Coop" link under my avtar to see it
I'm from a town called Burton On Trent near Derby in the midlands, England. Just joined today!
My first quails are 6 weeks old so this is all new to me!

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