Enjoying my little feathered friends


6 Years
Oct 29, 2013
Hello all!
My name is Karie and I live in Northern Utah. This is my first year for raising chickens. Our city finally allowed us to own hens. We can have a maximum of 8. So in late spring we purchased 8 chicks and raised them in an old claw foot bath tub in the garage. At one point I swore they were all roos. Turns out one of our rockbarreds was a rooster. We found a great home for him. So we have 7 girls- 2 rhode island reds, 2 wyandottes, 2 americanas and 1 rockbarred. My son and I built a 6'X12' coop with no plans. Hence we named it the "Wing-it Coop". I feel we did a fine job and so far, it's doing an exceptional job against our winter snow. My hens lay anywhere from 3-6 eggs a day right now. I don't supply any additional heat or light to the coop. The girls have added a nice layer of down and are walking around in their own little duvets. I feed them crumbles, veggies, old bread, cereal and oats (they LOVE when I mix oats into the extra bacon grease on the weekends) and I go out to their coop twice a day to replace their water as it freezes up. I am having such a wonderful time taking care of them and enjoying the eggs they provide for me and my family. Backyard chickens was an excellent source to educate me and continues to supply a wealth of information! Glad to join this unique "club". Karie

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