Enough room for new chicks?

My coop is 8x9, I have 4 hens and 3 pullets (6 months old), one of my hens just hatched chicks last week and I can tell you that none of the other ladies are allowed within 3-4 feet of her chicks or she goes on an all-out assault. IMO I don't think you have enough room for her to hatch chicks in that coop. Could you come up with another area where she could have some space?
My coop is 8x9, I have 4 hens and 3 pullets (6 months old), one of my hens just hatched chicks last week and I can tell you that none of the other ladies are allowed within 3-4 feet of her chicks or she goes on an all-out assault. IMO I don't think you have enough room for her to hatch chicks in that coop. Could you come up with another area where she could have some space?
I have an outdoor area that is secure with chicken wire all around but I was afraid to move her. I was planning on moving her to that area once she hatches them to give them all private space for at least a few days and then see how everyone does. I know I need to expand the coop at some point just didn't know how much time I had.
I have an outdoor area that is secure with chicken wire all around but I was afraid to move her. I was planning on moving her to that area once she hatches them to give them all private space for at least a few days and then see how everyone does. I know I need to expand the coop at some point just didn't know how much time I had.
Baby chicks can go right through chicken wire and so can predators. maybe you can reinforce it with hardware cloth. How long has she been sitting?
Do you have pics of this? Maybe some of these other folks will have some creative ideas for you as well
this is when we first built it. There is no more grass on the inside anymore!

About 4'x6'

You will definitely need to expand because it's already over-crowded.

If you keep the chicks (leaving aside the fact that some will be male), you will need coop space for 20+ chickens.

20 hens
  • 80 square feet in the coop. 8'x10' is the most practical because 7'x12' or 6'x14' require a lot of weird cuts.
  • 20 feet of roost
  • 200 square feet in the run. 10'x20', 12'x16' or 8'x25' as suits the land available.
  • 20 square feet of ventilation.
  • 5 nest boxes.
Sorry I lost this thread. So what did you decide? How is your broody doing?
She is doing great! I'm going to move her into the smaller enclosed outdoor area this week (she is due to hatch on the 21st) so she can spend a few weeks away from the other birds and while we figure out how to make the coop bigger.
She is doing great! I'm going to move her into the smaller enclosed outdoor area this week (she is due to hatch on the 21st) so she can spend a few weeks away from the other birds and while we figure out how to make the coop bigger.

If you move her now before her eggs hatch there is a very good chance that she'll break her broodiness and you'll lose the clutch. :(

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