Enrotril Suspension Query


May 7, 2015
We are first time chookies and seem to have purchased some sick chicks! They are ten weeks old and two developed swollen eyes. Our vet gave them the antibiotic enrotril suspension and they are doing brilliantly! The vet mentioned that we should think seriously about ever eating the chicks' eggs because they don't know how long it takes antibiotics to leave a chicken's system. Is this true? could anyone shed some light on this topic? Thank you!!
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I've never heard that theory. But if you vet said that, I won't try and argue against it. I do wonder though if the antibiotics wouldn't be out of their system by the time they start laying.
Wonder if there was something else he could have given them. You have chickens for eggs - just like if a dog couldn't wag his tail - would you enjoy him as much.? I'd want a few opinions on what he said.

Back many years ago our female dog had what the vet called "a minor infection," after having been spayed. The meds he gave - caused her to go deaf by the second day. Poof just like that, a young dog and DEAF, over a "minor" infection. She did learn sign language fast and if she wasn't looking towards us we would bang something on the ground - so she could feel the vibes and look up. I bet she wondered why we never called her name or said nice things to her anymore. When we did get her attention, she always had a guilty look like she had missed something we told her to do.
Thanks for your comments. I shall do a little more research and become more informed. Thanks again!

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