Entice ducks to property

I was thinking neighborhood dogs to start.
They know all the neighbor dogs so unless it's a stray (which is rare inside the fence line) or the neighbors get a new dog that wants to eat my ducks, it shouldn't be a problem. All the neighbors know about them and look out for them. I really have some awesome neighbors.
That is very true too!! Although from the sounds of it, it sounds like they are only let out during the day and penned at night? So hopefully it would be safe being during the day and in a residential neighborhood but there are definitely predators even in those situations!!
Yes. Let out during the day, and the pond is fenced all the way around. They have a predator proof pen for night.
Maybe this is just me but honestly, if the neighbor doesn’t care, then I wouldn’t care what your husband says and would just go get them anyway. I mean, it’s the neighbor’s property, not hubby’s, and if he says it’s fine, I’d go by that. Not like you’re hanging out on the neighbor’s property or anything.
I'm so with you on this!
How is she getting out of the fence to go into the neighbors property? Maybe I am not understanding the lay out?
It's a shared pond. We all have fenced yards which basically - between the fences and the houses, fences the pond - if that makes sense. So there are fences and houses surrounding the pond completely. I let the ducks out of my yard (or they fly out sometimes - they are Khaki Campbells so they can get enough lift to get over our 4 foot fence) to get into the shared pond, where they spend the day. Then at night, they come back into the yard and get locked up in the pen. Really - I guess my major concern is, right now, all is well and good. But one of my neighbors just moved. The new people are nice and I introduced them to my ducks, but what if a mean person moves in? I don't want them to complain about my ducks hanging on their property. If that makes sense. also, because of the HOA, I can't build a taller fence, and I can't really keep them in the yard proper. Our front fences are all 6 foot, but the fences around the pond can't be over 4. They stay down by the pond - they never go into the other people's fenced areas, but still, I worry.

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