Environmentally Unfriendly Pets

Am I the only one that got this??? I am older than I thought.

Thank you.

I got it but have been trying not to jump into this discussion because what I have to say will be a bit controversial, but mention a disney movie
Shucks, I can't not say nothing about it
Read the article.... read the posts....... apparently we forgot a few things on this 'footprint' idea.
I compost all animal waste at my house, please tell me I'm not alone! It's used to grow food so that I don't have to buy from the mega farms therefore reducing this entire household's footprint. The dogs eat the leftovers to account for about 50% of the waste they produce, and it keeps from any 'wasted' food from ending up in the landfill. The cats and dogs both eat critters that would other wise require poison to kill. Most of the summer my dane mix doesn't even eat commercial food because she eats every bird she can grab in the yard. The bassets keep me mole and other underground varmint free. Cats rid me of mice, moths, spiders, scorpions.....
I don't spend loads of cash on toys and such.... I get second hand goods and make them into beds, etc. saving room in the landfills. Even the collars are either secondhand or made by me from parts off destroyed collars and left over fabric scraps. I don't need an alarm system. I don't have to worry about a break in, my dane mix would rip them to shreds and a couple of the cats would help.

I think this article was intended for those who dote on their purse puppies or couch potato dogs and treat them as if they are above pet status. Those who spend an ungodly amount of money on the have to have accessory of the moment. Yes, having pets is a luxury but to broadly base a 'footprint' for all pets is a bit much. Not all of us spoil our brats.
I'll never not have pets..
but i'll trade in a few nasty humans i know if that helps even things out..
Ah, FarmerChick, here I am trying hard not to post heated comments. Thanks, BTW, for posting this article. I guess, the nicest thing that I say in response is,
Merry Christmas everyone!!

**anybody else notice the hugging smilies are kinda green and red?**
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yes I believe this also
people can and do make couch potatoe dogs, hence the expensive vet bills when they get diabetes and get fat and get fat related human diseases cause they don't live a natural life as intended
I don't think that was directed at me?

was it just a post in relation to the article?

WOW did you mean that line directly at me and edited it out now???????
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Ivan, thank you for posting that. I was trying to find a tactful way of not getting thrown off BYC responding to this thread. Now I don't need to

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