Equal Rights in Malawi, Africa... Sad Story....


Whispers Loudly
10 Years
Mar 7, 2009
Lincoln, Nebraska

thoughts on this? I couldnt believe it!
How very stupid...
Who CARES what people do in their bedroom,as long as they arent hurting anybody else?? Good god... get a life...
I feel bad for the guys... people all up in their business like that.
Dont even get me started...
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I'll gently suggest that they don't choose anymore than I choose to love men, I fell in love with a specific man, and people should not be thought of as interchangable like that.

Sidenote my first husband "choose" to not be gay, instead he was a gay man who married a woman who didn't know he was gay... it doesn't work out so well, and no amount of willpower changes that.
Sad. I support love. No matter the form it comes in.
They should be targeting killers and murderers not a couple who keep to themselves and haven't harmed anyone.
With all due respect to the poster I quoted, I think the only thing more sad than this couple being jailed for their engagement is the mentality that they should "move to an area that accepts it." I can't imagine how I would feel if we woke up tomorrow and the roles were reversed, and someone told me as a woman, that if I "choose" to love a man, then I should move away from the home that I know and love. I don't think a couple in love should move anywhere. I think society should "move" their minds in a forward direction and worry about their own back yards. Just sad.
In poor countries like this, it is unlikely that they have the option to move to a country that accepts it. Even if they could, they may not qualify to immigrate to one of those countries, especially if they are not college educated or have a valuable trade skill.

Besides, I am a stright woman and no way could I stay away from men just because I lived in a country that didn't accept it. I feel for thier plight.

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