Erratic Egg Laying


Nov 20, 2016
I have a Black Australop, about a year old, who has been a decent but not spectacular layer. This past week she has been producing strange eggs -- two very large and somewhat misshapen eggs, and today a perfect little quail-sized egg. Last weekend she spent time in the garden with me as I turned over the soil and ate a large number of earthworms. Could this have been caused by a sudden spike in animal protein? She is acting fine and looks fine. Thanks!
I don't encourage them to eat earthworms as they can carry roundworm eggs. I don't know if it would cause odd eggs or not.
I have a Black Australop, about a year old, who has been a decent but not spectacular layer. This past week she has been producing strange eggs -- two very large and somewhat misshapen eggs, and today a perfect little quail-sized egg. Last weekend she spent time in the garden with me as I turned over the soil and ate a large number of earthworms. Could this have been caused by a sudden spike in animal protein? She is acting fine and looks fine. Thanks!
Is it spring or fall where you live?

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