ESA chickens, city governments and housing provider


Aug 22, 2022
Hey everyone! I am new to the website, but I think I have valuable information regarding ESA letters, chickens and city ordinances. This is not an attempt to circumvent the law by claiming fraudulent use of an ESA animal. I do not condone that in anyway shape or form. I am a disabled veteran, and I suffer from various physical and mental impairments one of them being PTSD. After several years of battling depression, anxiety and constantly fighting off boredom due to not being able to work, and simply sitting around and wasting away, someone told me I should get some chickens. It’s the day that is changing my life. I quickly fell in love with the simplicity and the ease in which they go about their day, getting lost in my thoughts while watching them, go about there chicken day. Having something to care for and having purpose again. And my mood has improved. It was shortly afterwards that the city was alerted and my chickens were threatened to be taken away. No way Jose. Using my super power of OCD and the desire to keep my chickens. I quickly focused my attention on changing the ordinance. No success. The city remained steadfast, so I decided to play my ace up the sleeve. I had already obtained an ESA letter from my therapist, had all my “ducks“ (pun intended) in a row. I presented my request for a variance to the city Council and was immediately approved without question. My point being, if you are legitimately seeking an ESA chicken variance then here is the resource I found most valuable. Feel free to reach out with any other questions. Thanks chicken lovers.!
Note: an ESA is an “Emotional Support Animal”. Animal- singular, one individual animal.

Chickens are FLOCK animals, so trying to get an ESA for multiple animals usually fails, as it should. While chickens can be great therapy, one should not try to get an ESA for an animal not equipped to live life alone. In certain situations, a small flock might get approved as OP indicated. But, it’s an exception.
Thanks for providing this resource! I won't go into detail but I have been dealing with health issues of my own. It's been a really difficult time in my life. But I got chickens in March and it truly has changed my life for the better. I too get lost in thought while watching them. I'm in awe of their straightforwardness and resilience. Taking care of them and getting eggs in return is such a good feeling. I do a lot for them but I truly think they do much more for me.

I am luckily allowed to have chickens in my city, but I'm glad you posted this so others have a good resource. I truly feel that the maximum restriction on chickens should be a max number you can have, and possibly a rooster ban if you live in close quarters. I don't see why chickens should be outright banned anywhere.
Hey everyone! I am new to the website, but I think I have valuable information regarding ESA letters, chickens and city ordinances. This is not an attempt to circumvent the law by claiming fraudulent use of an ESA animal. I do not condone that in anyway shape or form. I am a disabled veteran, and I suffer from various physical and mental impairments one of them being PTSD. After several years of battling depression, anxiety and constantly fighting off boredom due to not being able to work, and simply sitting around and wasting away, someone told me I should get some chickens. It’s the day that is changing my life. I quickly fell in love with the simplicity and the ease in which they go about their day, getting lost in my thoughts while watching them, go about there chicken day. Having something to care for and having purpose again. And my mood has improved. It was shortly afterwards that the city was alerted and my chickens were threatened to be taken away. No way Jose. Using my super power of OCD and the desire to keep my chickens. I quickly focused my attention on changing the ordinance. No success. The city remained steadfast, so I decided to play my ace up the sleeve. I had already obtained an ESA letter from my therapist, had all my “ducks“ (pun intended) in a row. I presented my request for a variance to the city Council and was immediately approved without question. My point being, if you are legitimately seeking an ESA chicken variance then here is the resource I found most valuable. Feel free to reach out with any other questions. Thanks chicken lovers.!
Hello Harris289.. i'm going thru this right now as well. Your post could have been written by me except i'm going to have to plead my case for a variance. I wish there was a way I could contact you for guidance. Them chickens sure do give you a purpose and love I just wasnt expecting when I got them 4 or 5 years ago
Hey everyone! I am new to the website, but I think I have valuable information regarding ESA letters, chickens and city ordinances. This is not an attempt to circumvent the law by claiming fraudulent use of an ESA animal. I do not condone that in anyway shape or form. I am a disabled veteran, and I suffer from various physical and mental impairments one of them being PTSD. After several years of battling depression, anxiety and constantly fighting off boredom due to not being able to work, and simply sitting around and wasting away, someone told me I should get some chickens. It’s the day that is changing my life. I quickly fell in love with the simplicity and the ease in which they go about their day, getting lost in my thoughts while watching them, go about there chicken day. Having something to care for and having purpose again. And my mood has improved. It was shortly afterwards that the city was alerted and my chickens were threatened to be taken away. No way Jose. Using my super power of OCD and the desire to keep my chickens. I quickly focused my attention on changing the ordinance. No success. The city remained steadfast, so I decided to play my ace up the sleeve. I had already obtained an ESA letter from my therapist, had all my “ducks“ (pun intended) in a row. I presented my request for a variance to the city Council and was immediately approved without question. My point being, if you are legitimately seeking an ESA chicken variance then here is the resource I found most valuable. Feel free to reach out with any other questions. Thanks chicken lovers.!
Hey everyone! I am new to the website, but I think I have valuable information regarding ESA letters, chickens and city ordinances. This is not an attempt to circumvent the law by claiming fraudulent use of an ESA animal. I do not condone that in anyway shape or form. I am a disabled veteran, and I suffer from various physical and mental impairments one of them being PTSD. After several years of battling depression, anxiety and constantly fighting off boredom due to not being able to work, and simply sitting around and wasting away, someone told me I should get some chickens. It’s the day that is changing my life. I quickly fell in love with the simplicity and the ease in which they go about their day, getting lost in my thoughts while watching them, go about there chicken day. Having something to care for and having purpose again. And my mood has improved. It was shortly afterwards that the city was alerted and my chickens were threatened to be taken away. No way Jose. Using my super power of OCD and the desire to keep my chickens. I quickly focused my attention on changing the ordinance. No success. The city remained steadfast, so I decided to play my ace up the sleeve. I had already obtained an ESA letter from my therapist, had all my “ducks“ (pun intended) in a row. I presented my request for a variance to the city Council and was immediately approved without question. My point being, if you are legitimately seeking an ESA chicken variance then here is the resource I found most valuable. Feel free to reach out with any other questions. Thanks chicken lovers.!
Hi there — are u still available to answer questions on this subject? I see this post is a year old. But I’m desperate
Hey everyone! I am new to the website, but I think I have valuable information regarding ESA letters, chickens and city ordinances. This is not an attempt to circumvent the law by claiming fraudulent use of an ESA animal. I do not condone that in anyway shape or form. I am a disabled veteran, and I suffer from various physical and mental impairments one of them being PTSD. After several years of battling depression, anxiety and constantly fighting off boredom due to not being able to work, and simply sitting around and wasting away, someone told me I should get some chickens. It’s the day that is changing my life. I quickly fell in love with the simplicity and the ease in which they go about their day, getting lost in my thoughts while watching them, go about there chicken day. Having something to care for and having purpose again. And my mood has improved. It was shortly afterwards that the city was alerted and my chickens were threatened to be taken away. No way Jose. Using my super power of OCD and the desire to keep my chickens. I quickly focused my attention on changing the ordinance. No success. The city remained steadfast, so I decided to play my ace up the sleeve. I had already obtained an ESA letter from my therapist, had all my “ducks“ (pun intended) in a row. I presented my request for a variance to the city Council and was immediately approved without question. My point being, if you are legitimately seeking an ESA chicken variance then here is the resource I found most valuable. Feel free to reach out with any other questions. Thanks chicken lovers.!
Hi I am facing the same challenges. My city is forcing me to get rid of my rooster. Please help how I can fight the city. My doctor has alreygiven me a letter on this
Hey everyone! I am new to the website, but I think I have valuable information regarding ESA letters, chickens and city ordinances. This is not an attempt to circumvent the law by claiming fraudulent use of an ESA animal. I do not condone that in anyway shape or form. I am a disabled veteran, and I suffer from various physical and mental impairments one of them being PTSD. After several years of battling depression, anxiety and constantly fighting off boredom due to not being able to work, and simply sitting around and wasting away, someone told me I should get some chickens. It’s the day that is changing my life. I quickly fell in love with the simplicity and the ease in which they go about their day, getting lost in my thoughts while watching them, go about there chicken day. Having something to care for and having purpose again. And my mood has improved. It was shortly afterwards that the city was alerted and my chickens were threatened to be taken away. No way Jose. Using my super power of OCD and the desire to keep my chickens. I quickly focused my attention on changing the ordinance. No success. The city remained steadfast, so I decided to play my ace up the sleeve. I had already obtained an ESA letter from my therapist, had all my “ducks“ (pun intended) in a row. I presented my request for a variance to the city Council and was immediately approved without question. My point being, if you are legitimately seeking an ESA chicken variance then here is the resource I found most valuable. Feel free to reach out with any other questions. Thanks chicken lovers.!
Will this work against my landlord that says no pets in my lease. I got our clickers for son and because my landlord said no pets, I could see why if they were inside, so I thought of an alternative to help him out with his ADHD, depression and anxiety, and got him chickens. He loves them to death, and will be completely devastated if I had to get rid of them, my neighbor keeps calling the landlord and complaining about them so he just put a letter in my mailbox saying that I needed to get rid of the birds because Lilly says no pets. 😭

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