Established flock stopped laying


10 Years
Oct 16, 2009
Berkeley, CA
I have 6 hens. Two are 4 years, the rest hatched 2017. Only one is laying anymore. One Cuckoo Marans has seemed slow/sick and is getting fat. Last spring an Andalusian started walking like a runner duck and later died. I keep a light on them and usually get laying all winter in my mild climate but several failed to lay all winter and now almost no eggs.

Any thoughts?
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Keeping a light on them (forcing them to lay all winter) is stressful on their bodies. They're supposed to have a rest in winter and replenish their bodies for the coming year.

If you had one walking like a runner duck she likely had egg peritonitis, internal laying, or some other reproductive system issue that killed her.

In short, they might be worn out from the constant laying, and they are getting "older" as far as egg laying years go. It slows down enough after 2 years that egg producers swap out for all new hens at that point.

You mentioned your Cuckoo Maran is getting fat. What do you feed them?
Thanks so much for responding! They are getting layer pellets from a local mill called Modesto Milling which most flocks in my area use and which I've always used. I've always put a light on my hens and they all lay through the winter, some as long as 6 years. I have had a flock for over a decade and have cared for them with the same program I am now using, and which works well for other flocks in my area, of which there are many. This is way out of the ordinary for my flock. When a hen gets older, in my experience, her egg laying gradually slows down and then stops whereas this is a sudden stop of almost all hens. For these reasons, I don't think the issue is feed or light. I'm concerned that there is a possible illness or virus in my flock.
Thanks so much for responding! They are getting layer pellets from a local mill called Modesto Milling which most flocks in my area use and which I've always used. I've always put a light on my hens and they all lay through the winter, some as long as 6 years. I have had a flock for over a decade and have cared for them with the same program I am now using, and which works well for other flocks in my area, of which there are many. This is way out of the ordinary for my flock. When a hen gets older, in my experience, her egg laying gradually slows down and then stops whereas this is a sudden stop of almost all hens. For these reasons, I don't think the issue is feed or light. I'm concerned that there is a possible illness or virus in my flock.
Ok. Let's explore that possibility then.
Do they have any other symptoms other than the cease in laying? Any lethargy, raspy breathing, coughing, sneezing, discharge from eyes, mouth, nose? Any rash? Can you find any parasites on them? Does the inside of their beaks look ok? Any stressful events lately? Anyone joining or leaving the flock? Any predator activity? Is it unusually hot right now? Anything at all out of the ordinary?
I have 6 hens. Two are 4 years, the rest hatched 2017. Only one is laying anymore. One Cuckoo Marans has seemed slow/sick and is getting fat. Last spring an Andalusian started walking like a runner duck and later died. I keep a light on them and usually get laying all winter in my mild climate but several failed to lay all winter and now almost no eggs.

Any thoughts?
Depending on what you feed them. If it is pellets stop and start feeding a grain mix. I have a hen that will not lay indoors. NO matter what. I put her outside on hay and manure and she starts laying like a champ. Changing feed is the best trick, Natural light is also good.
Thanks for helping! Here's more info: All hens have vibrant combs, clean, healthy plumage, beaks, legs and vents and are normal size for their breed with exceptions noted below. My hens have a 180 sqft sun/shade run they are in all day and are let into the garden several times a week to forage in the greenery. They sleep in a predator-proof coop. They have free-choice oyster shell available. Nobody is broody. I will list everyone's history.

Cloudy-Andalusian 4 years. Has had a pea-sized white growth on her comb for around 2 years. Acts like a rooster (crows!). Started laying thin shelled eggs with thick jello-like whites about 6 months ago. Started molting last week and stopped laying (probably due to molt). But they all molted last fall, so this is odd.

Maple-Easter egger 4 years. Was laying 2x/week until a few weeks ago, no other symptoms

Salt-Cuckoo Marans 2 years. I can't tell Salt and Peppers eggs apart. They didn't lay in the winter but at least one of them started up in spring, then stopped a couple weeks ago. There were some soft shelled brown eggs awhile back.

Pepper-Cuckoo Marans 2 years. Started laying around acting lethargic and gaining size a couple of months ago. Also has a messy vent as if she's not preening and droppings on her back because she is sleeping on the floor of the coop.

Magnolia-Whitings 2 years. Was laying 5x/week until a few weeks ago, no other symptoms

Speckles-Ancona 2 years. Still laying as normal 5x/week.
Sounds pretty 'normal'. Solstice has passed, they are slowing laying to get ready to molt.
Older birds may take more breaks...both Marans and EE can be sporadic layers.
What is the protein percentage of your feed?
Any other foods/treats given?
How many hours per day are the lights on?
Is it unusually hot there at this time?
Just because something has worked for a decade doesn't mean it always will,
each bird is an individual and may react differently to environment.

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