Ethel Update


10 Years
Dec 17, 2009
Rocky Point, NC
There were several of you that might remember Ethel the injured Sebastapol goose. Ethel is doing well and now living with me permanently. My friend figured that it would be safer for her here and she is right.

We believe that Ethel may have been hit by a car and has some brain damage and still has issues when walking. She still falls but not as much. Although, lately she has fallen and couldn't get back up. So, I check on her regularly throughout the day to make sure she is up and moving.

Ethel did go broody and did lay and egg or two. All the eggs were infertile. Now one but me hatched any goose eggs. I managed to find 6 our of ALLLLL the eggs and these hatched in the incubator. I guess I was lucky enough to get 6 and I was successful. I have 6 baby sebbie/African geese.

Ethel adopted these baby geese and the rest of the gang followed. My friend and I believe that Ethel may be the mother of my two geese. Ethel is doing a great job mothering and teaching the older geese there responsibilities. It's awesome to see.

Sorry I haven't kept an update but things have been a bit trying. I am happy to report good news.
There were several of you that might remember Ethel the injured Sebastapol goose. Ethel is doing well and now living with me permanently. My friend figured that it would be safer for her here and she is right.

We believe that Ethel may have been hit by a car and has some brain damage and still has issues when walking. She still falls but not as much. Although, lately she has fallen and couldn't get back up. So, I check on her regularly throughout the day to make sure she is up and moving.

Ethel did go broody and did lay and egg or two. All the eggs were infertile. Now one but me hatched any goose eggs. I managed to find 6 our of ALLLLL the eggs and these hatched in the incubator. I guess I was lucky enough to get 6 and I was successful. I have 6 baby sebbie/African geese.

Ethel adopted these baby geese and the rest of the gang followed. My friend and I believe that Ethel may be the mother of my two geese. Ethel is doing a great job mothering and teaching the older geese there responsibilities. It's awesome to see.

Sorry I haven't kept an update but things have been a bit trying. I am happy to report good news.
So glad to see the update on Ethel and to hear she is a mommie that is awesome. also happy to hear she is with you permanent. Now how about some pics when you get a chance. And congrats on the new goslings!!
I will try and get some pictures today. Here is a picture of the geese going for a stroll. Ethel is pulling up the rear. The mother of these goslings is an African goose. It will be interesting to see how they turn out since the dad is a sebbie. There are 2 more goslings but they aren't pictured.

I will try and get some pictures today. Here is a picture of the geese going for a stroll. Ethel is pulling up the rear. The mother of these goslings is an African goose. It will be interesting to see how they turn out since the dad is a sebbie. There are 2 more goslings but they aren't pictured.

What a nice family..

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