Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

Quote: Yeah, I suppose that's true. As long as they don't mortally wound each other and I end up with nobody!
I'm really hoping he behaves perfectly tomorrow........

Me too!

I forgot to say, put him back with the flock at night!


I predict that you have 4 boys and 5 girls. whiter ones being boys.

Oh, I didn't know you could tell anything by that. Would anyone be willing to guess about these chicks by their color? They are two week old EO chicks, except the black one, who is a bonus bird from an extra egg the shipper sent me. Thanks!
The top right one is a pullet. The one in the middle is probably a roo. There are some white EOs though. The one on the left also looks like a pullet. The one on the bottom could go either way but looks like a roo too. so two of each.

Let us know in two weeks! Do you have bands for them?

Congratulations, the are great looking!
The top right one is a pullet. The one in the middle is probably a roo. There are some white EOs though. The one on the left also looks like a pullet. The one on the bottom could go either way but looks like a roo too. so two of each.

Let us know in two weeks! Do you have bands for them?

Congratulations, the are great looking!
Thanks!!! There's one other who isn't in the picture...I will look at that one in the daylight and see which of the others she looks like. I don't have bands for them. You mean for their legs, right? I could use little zip ties in different colors though. I'm really happy with these chicks. They are the friendliest, calmest chicks I've ever had.
Absolutely wonderful and friendly!

The males start out more yellow without much of a pattern. As they get older, the gray and white barring starts up in the tail and the neck feathers get a bit darker. The pullet in the top right looks like the one in my avatar form Aspen.

Yes, zip ties work but make sure you watch for them getting tight. EOs grow very fast!
Oh, thank you for the information. I have read that they are friendly, but didn't know it would be so right from the start! I've hatched Silkies, Bantam Cochins, Brabanters and now these. I've also had various birds that I bought as chicks. My favorites were Lavender Ameraucanas. But these EO chicks are just the friendliest. I ordered the eggs when I was on a hatching spree, and wasn't necessarily going to keep them, but now I really want to. I tried to post a picture of when they were a week old, but for some reason it's not showing up. I'll try another time. Thank you again for your input!
LOL, that's funny, because when I first started with my EO's the person I got the eggs from said don't be surprised they are crazy friendly as chicks. Well she was right, that was three years ago!! I have EO chicks two weeks old in my brooder right now along with 1 Araucana, 1 BM D'uccle and 1 Bantam SL cochin. They are always the first to run up to see me, it's too funny and I never get tired of watching them.

Lavendarfeather you will really enjoy them as adults as well
I picked up four basque chicks this weekend to brood with my cream legbar cockerels. :) Hoping for a few pullets. I also have two eggs in the incubator, but I haven't been having great luck hatching, so don't expect much. I am hopeful though. ;)

I picked up four basque chicks this weekend to brood with my cream legbar cockerels. :) Hoping for a few pullets. I also have two eggs in the incubator, but I haven't been having great luck hatching, so don't expect much. I am hopeful though. ;)

SO pretty! To me, these Basque chicks look like they stepped out of impressionist paintings. Just darling. And thanks go out to Flat Rock Farms for your comments
I can't wait to see how they look when they grow up--but wait, then they won't be babies anymore... ~sigh~ guess I should enjoy them every day!

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