Euskal Oiloa ( Basque Thread)

Great information, thanks everyone!

Maggiesdad - I do have supplemental light in the pens. I haven't checked his vent size, lol, but I've seen the hens nonchalantly toss the roo off and continue with their business on several occasions.

Ron - I took your advice! I put 2 eggs in the bator yesterday and will throw the ones in that I collect today as well just to see if they develop. Crossing fingers!

chickhick - I have several people anxiously awaiting eggs, but I will PM you if I need a test hatch for shipping. Thanks!
Good Luck with the fertility test!

I live in the City and am allowed hens but not roos. I was able to hide one long enough to get some fertile eggs from him. He was an SG Dorking and quite young. When I first let him meet the girls they thought he was an alien monster. I snuck him in with them one morning and then moved him into the Garage at night. It took several weeks of him dancing for them, feeding them and courting them but eventually they started liking him. Animal control put a remove the Roo notice on my door at the end of Summer. He moved out to the country and I began collecting eggs. I collected three a day for four days to get a dozen eggs. Of that dozen, 2 were clears and 9 of the 10 fertile ones hatched.

This is what they look like:

The Big boy in the front is a Dorking Rock Cross.
heya aspen!

i got 4 gorgeous splash cochins and one duckie from the eggs you sent. unfortunately, i couldn't keep the ducks, i put a few more eggs under that broody duck, and they went to live with some folks on a few acres and took my silver appleyards with them
but that duckie was soooooo cute, all black except its chest. i may need some more of those come spring. the cochins are 3 weeks, i think and one has been crowing for 2 weeks already! i thought it was the basque i put in there, but i gave the basque to someone else and still heard crowing and then i saw it! crazy. but they are cute. no self blues hatched. i set also put in some basque and got a white one. my friend is going to raise them a bit and i'll go pick up a few pullets and she will keep the rest.
Hi girl! Aw, I am so sorry you had to rehome your ducks! I'm sure they went to a good home tho. You don't happen to have a picture of the duckling and Cochins do you? I've sent duck eggs to several people but never saw pictures of the ducklings. ; ) LOL Aw, that is too bad. I still have my Self Blues but may have to rehome them sadly! Yesterday I rehomed 5 juvenile Cochisn to a lovely BYC'er. I know they went to a good home. Really trimming down on my chickens. Did I sent you any Basque eggs? I cannot remember what all I sent you. It's lovely hearing from you again!

~ Aspen
Masked rider ........ Yes it is my intention to use the white hen, she has a hint of yellow. We are curious as to what she may throw. We don't have enough birds to limit our DNA pool at this time. We'll see if she throws more of the yellow or if her offspring are white. We wouldn't mind a limited number of the white birds in our flock. I want to keep the flock more light and yellow as opposed to the burnt orange red of the Rhodebar.

She is a great looking bird or sure. How old is she in that photo? It will be curious to see what you get. What does the male look like u are going to use?
The side sprigs are definitely a Penedesenca trait...

So I guess you could say there was a penny in the old EO haystack somewhere along the way!

I don't know why, but the shank color deal just really sticks out to me. If you look at most of the flock photos, I would nearly be willing to bet 100% of them have 50% or more willow or non-yellow shanks. I know this will open a can of worms up about 3 miles wide, but until you can breed x color pattern to y color pattern EO and get 100% yellow shanks every time I think we have a problem. I say that because that is the most recognizable fault to pick out.. No yellow shanks, no EO just a mix of some kind...

You may have the most gorgeous flock of EO hens and the perfect roo, but if they have grey feet and brown beaks..... we are not kicking the can down the road much just kind of side ways... and eating a moon pie! LOL
Picture time!

Leela, the Basque hen that hatched from Hatching eggs from Aspen along with two Trader Joes chickes and a Partridge Penedesenca:

This is my lighter colored Marraduna:

This is one of my two darker pullets:

And this is my Broody. I will be putting either eggs or chicks under her this week:

Stop posting pictures, you are making me drool!

~ Aspen
Although color issues do tend to stand out because they are so easily seen, correct type, quality and production have to come first, as it takes a large population to select from to lock these traits in. Improper leg color will disappear very quickly once we have quality individuals to select from. Just dont look at the legs!
Although color issues do tend to stand out because they are so easily seen, correct type, quality and production have to come first, as it takes a large population to select from to lock these traits in. Improper leg color will disappear very quickly once we have quality individuals to select from. Just dont look at the legs!

I agree with you.. just saying don't ignore it...

Pretty good pdf if anyone would like to know about shank color..
Hello, New Member here, And as a lurker of BYC for some time now, My daughter wanting chickens, and this particular thread, I thought it was time to raise chickens again.
So off I went and bid on some chicks, Well I recieved them on 5/23/12 although quite a variance in color and patterns, they have been a joy to have around.

My questions are, When can i expect them to start laying ? I am in western,Mass here and its been pretty cold lately, so i dont know if this has any affect on this breed but it seems to
me that they should have started by now. And I guess that leads to my second question, Are these a cold hardy breed ?

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